If you ever want to see your family or friends again ....

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Down below the fold where it says "CLICK HERE" .... don't click there! First, make sure the following things are true: 1) You are alone. 2) Your computer's sound is turned up. 2) Nobody can hear you. OK, go... CLICK HERE Hat tip: Joe
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The following video is NOT from a Home Depot. It is, however, from a Vodka warehouse. But this could happen anywhere with fork lifts. Well, OK, more likely when fork lifts and Vodka are mixed. Which just proves .... EMBED-Bringing Down The Warehouse - Watch more free videos You should always…

WOW! That's fantastic. Goodby, family and friends.

Now I know what various letters, and a happy face, sound like.

Truly amazing!

Withing one minute I was bopping to melodies.

Taking away is also fantastic.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 23 Feb 2010 #permalink

You said not to go there and monkey around. But would I listen? Oh, no. I just bailed off into the unknown and got pwned. Maybe next time I'll . . . no. Prolly not.

*that is one cool toy*

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 23 Feb 2010 #permalink

Hey! I was trying to get some work done. You tricked me by saying not to do it!
circle of fifths: yes!