I've never seen a movie that made me so fill in the blank. This movie is absolutely whatever.

Yet another meta thingie for your meta amusement.

Hat Tip Miss C via Ana

More like this

Sent off yet another grant, so I'm still (once again) catching up on everything. Meanwhile, some posts for you to check out: I thought I was self-sacrificing by submitting myself to Kentucky's creation museum for your amusement. Guess I could have stayed home and wasted 2 1/2 hours of my life as…
Summary of the comments on this thread in 6 exchanges, for your amusement.
Meathead of the Week: Sen Criag. He grabbed instant meathead status when he tried to use the excuse that he's got a "wide stance". Hehehe; it's the new "the dog ate my homework". Where is South Carolina? We need more maps! Why didn't we think of this before? Oh it's just too good, such as. Now,…
Over here. There are some hilarious hate mails there for your amusement. If you want some serious stuff about google, our future and whatever would become of it all, go here.

Making it through entire video with mildly amused demeanor. Professing flawed analysis of irrelevant genre.
Being distracted by e-mail beep.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 13 Mar 2010 #permalink

Defensive comment from blog owner who over interprets affect of previous commenter.

Mention of yet another movie that if one has not seen one is not cool.

Reference to obscure personal fact about obscure director.

Breaks chain of conversation with irreverent comment to prove superiority over previous commenters, points out minor errors in spelling or grammar.

Broken link to my web site where I wrote a review of this movie.

Suggestion that above commenter must be a POE

Interrupts program for "your special" announcement.

By Bill James (not verified) on 13 Mar 2010 #permalink

Comment about how blogger knows nothing about whatever topic this post is on.

Comment dissing entire movie genre and all who would watch or discuss it.

Feminist critique of inappropriate use of the gendered word "meta."

Derogatory comment about director and movie, noting that blogger is racist and admitting that I have not seen the movie or read the blog post.

Notes that the book was better, followed by long rant about the lack of originality in Hollywood nowadays.

Sadly I kind of wanted to see this movie until about the one minute 30 second mark. But then I saw the old actress trying to make a comeback and I remembered my hatred for her in an early movie from her teenage days called "Teenage Movie Title".

Inspired to sing Title Of The Song. (Wishing there was a better video for it.)

Expression of disbelief that poster was not the first to mention "Title Of The Song," and mild disappointment at having one's perceived and metaphorical thunder stolen.

(...and I hold a high note~)

Off-topic comment desperately trying to hijack interest from an active comment thread on a popular blog post.

This is the part where I come in and say something explosive and detrimental in a quasi-troll-yet-pithy-and-amusing way.

Aaaaaand: Scene.

/delurking tag to indicate unimportant status

Ranting, incoherent post containing references to ongoing meta-topics to authenticate lurker status.

Repeated mentions of time spent lurking.

Brief, uninformative on-topic comment.

Compliment to blogwriter for being blogwriter.

/relurking tag to indicate return to drinking

Failed attempt to say something that hasn't already been said by another commenter.

By J. J. Ramsey (not verified) on 14 Mar 2010 #permalink

Completely off-topic posting of my blog URL with a horribly misspelled invitation.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 14 Mar 2010 #permalink

Adbot advertising male sexual enhancement pills by suggesting your libido is not large enough.

By GenericUsername (not verified) on 14 Mar 2010 #permalink

Statement expressing how wonderful this is and how I would love my grandkids to see it.

Spam post pushing something that has a word in common with the movie.

Duplicate post.

Edgy comment about the previous comments justified with my cool but vacuous screen name.

By CoolJscary_99OMG (not verified) on 14 Mar 2010 #permalink

sorry, wrong thread...

generic yet ambiguous mention of this movie's worth, and that i saw it FOR FREE on domain - name (dot) net


By Another casual… (not verified) on 15 Mar 2010 #permalink

Comment concerning desperate attempt to find name of lead actress, excited remark about the human desire for procreation; while ignoring discouraging reminders of one's own marital status.

Late posting that revives a dead thread, wondering when the movie will be available from online DVD delivery service.

By Latecomer (not verified) on 22 Apr 2010 #permalink

Disgusted statement about lack of good moderation and spam filters in blog sites

Late response re-asking question that has been answered at least three times in previous comments.

Misguided attempt to claim first post.

Quote of a single line from clip!

Expression of amusement.