Tea Time

The "morans" one is an old picture that predates the recent Tea Party thing, not that I wouldn't put it past them to repeat the spelling mistake.

Chris, the Moran sign dates to the election. That is when the tea party formed.

Jaf: Yes, I stole this from your facebook feed! But I didn't point to your facebook feed because I wasn't sure if you wanted more misogynist teabaggers going after you there....althogh they are kind of fun.

How do we know these mispellings and profanities are really tea party people? How do we know that these are left wing nutjobs showing up at Tea Parties and posing as conservatives to make us look bad? You know, lefties do evil things like this. Oh well, at least we don;t throw eggs at their buses like they do ours.

I tell ya what. If some lamebrain lefty threw an egg at me I would have to pepper spray the little bastard. That settles it. next time I go to a tea party rally I'll bring some eggs to hurl back at the loudmouth leftiy eggthrowers.

The rule is: When a leftwing dummy throws an egg at you, the polite thing to do is throw two eggs back at him - perfferably covered in poo.

By Egg and Butter man (not verified) on 01 Apr 2010 #permalink

Why, yes, Egg and Butter man, you make an excellent argument only lefties produce error-filled text and aggression. Sadly, the day being what it is, I don't quite believe in you.

How do we know these mispellings and profanities are really tea party people? How do we know that these are left wing nutjobs showing up at Tea Parties and posing as conservatives to make us look bad?

Because these are photographs taken by people who went to the rallies to document what was going on there. These are the documents they came back with.

If someone reported that there would be misspellings, you would say "How do we know there were reely mispelings if we don't know what they even are!@!!''!!22"

Then, someone could report that there were specific misspellings, and you would say "SO? You couldu maid that up!!!! Let's see some real proof!!11!!

Then, somone could take pictures of the Tea Party morons with their stupid signs and report that, and you would say "How do we know these mispellings and profanities are really tea party people? How do we know that these are left wing nutjobs showing up at Tea Parties and posing as conservatives to make us look bad?"

Which you did. As I predicted!

Greg: The image dates back to March 2003 according to this,


It's from a pro-Iraq-war counter-protest. This fits my personal memory, as I remember seeing it originally around that time. If you don't believe that link, Snopes places it at least as old as 2005,


This blog shows it's at least as old as 2004,


All of that pre-dates the current teabaggers.

Looks plausable. But the fact that Moran-Brain is older does not obviate that the teabaggers, who emerged during the last election cycle under the tutelage of Michel Bachmann and Sarah Palin, have carried obnoxious racist violence-inciting signs all along, and continue to do so.

None of the one-on-one arguments I've had with self professed tea-baggers has involved them saying "Oh, we're not doing any of that" bur rather "oh, yes, we're doing that and you can't stop us".

I think I thought it dated to the election because it was either revived or something similar was used back at that time.