Seventeen Women Beaten by Government Workers in Oxford Alabama over Fashion Choice

Oh wait, sorry, they weren't "women" exactly ...

they were High School Students. Beaten by school officials. But wait, they weren't really "beaten" exactly ... they were "paddled." Oh, and the fashion choice ... they were prom dresses that were to revealing, breaking a school dress code that a neckline would not go below the "breastbone" and a hem would not go above six inches above the ankle.

So they were actually high school girls paddled by school officials because they were not Amish-looking enough.

The story is here.
Strangely, the story is not about the beating of 17 women, but rather, about the one who chose to be suspended rather than beaten. For some reason, that's a bigger story.

Jaw, meet floor. Face, mean palm. A true WTF moment.

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Paddling? Seriously?
I can't help but wonder what other infractions carry a punishment of paddling in this school.

There are so many things wrong with this, on so many levels, I don't know where to start.

It's o.k. I'm sure the people giving the paddelings were all good Christians.

I think they mean the top of the breastbone.

And why is it called 'paddling' if a school official does it, but it's 'assault and battery' if anyone else does it?

By Equisetum (not verified) on 06 Apr 2010 #permalink

Corporal punishment is still good law in something like 17 states.

Personally, I think it is always a bad law, but the actual seems to say otherwise.

hem would not go above six inches above the ankle

wait, what year is this? 1890?

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 06 Apr 2010 #permalink

Coming from Canada where corporal punishment of students has been forbidden for, um, a very long time, I'm stunned. I wonder if any of the football players ever get that treatment.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 06 Apr 2010 #permalink

JFC. That Mississippi thing is like some 80s teen movie. What petty people, both the teens and adults. Constance is so much more mature than any of them.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 06 Apr 2010 #permalink

hem would not go above six inches above the ankle
wait, what year is this? 1890?


No it's 2010. Time has nothing to do with modesty. There is a dress code in place for a reason. The school wanted the girls to look like regular girls going to a prom, not whores and sluts meeting their in a cheap motel.

I wish girls these days were more old fashioned. I prefferably am attracted to women who wear longer dresses. it says that they can be pretty without having to show off their body parts. Modesty and a good old fashioned kind of girl just cannot be beat. Unfortuantely due to modernism and the rabid militant man hating feminazis, gilrs think they have to be whores and skanks and act like boys alot and dress like Saturday night prostitutes who are in desperate need of more drug money. Now who says 1950 wasn't better? At least most girls acted like ladies then. Now it's a toss up. Good gilrs are hard to find these days.

Back to the subject...

Perhaps paddling was a bit out of line in this situation. Paddling is reserved for bullies and smartasses, not dress code violations.

As for Constance in Mississippi, she and the American Criminal Lovers Union got their butts kicked. The ACLU should have known better to mess with our business down here in Mississippi. Like the saying goes "Mississippi - if you don't love it, leave it, becuase you can't change it. "

By Count Crapsalot (not verified) on 06 Apr 2010 #permalink

Greg, it should read '6 inches above the knee'.The young lady's dress violated the 'below the breastbone' clause. It was actually a very pretty dress, and would be an appropriate prom dress anywhere else in the country. Corporal punishment in the school should be banned. I remember the humiliation of corporal punishment from racist teachers (yes they WERE due to racism), when I didn't have the knowledge to know that this was what was going on, or that I was NOT wrong or bad. When I sent my sons to school, the first question I asked, was about corporal punishment...even before the academics. Fortunately, it was outlawed in California. There are cases EVERY YEAR of teachers hurting children, even to the point of needing hospitalization under the guise of corporal punishment.The law cannot touch them, because corporal punishment is legal. Parents inflicting the same damage would be prosecuted.....back to the young ladies. I.Would.sue. I wonder what the dress code is for the boys. Did any boys get paddled?

Apparently the boys would have gotten paddled if they were out of dress code too. Apparently non of them showed up with a dress on or in pink tux, otherwise, they might have been punished too.

Corporal punishment is needed in some instances. For example: Bullies. Bullies should get paddled. After the second paddling for the same crime, they should be suspended for three days. If they continue thier reign of terror, then they should be expelled indefinitely from the school and never be allowed to set foot on that school prperty again for life.

Better yet. Parents need to be parents. My dad taught me how to deal with bullies. Ignore them. If they persist, knock their damned teeth out and leave them lying where they fall.

I had one bully one time who wouldn't leave me alone. One day after school he grabbed my backpack and wouldn't let go and was shovig me around by my backpack. I managed to get turned around and when i did, I let the bastard have it. I punched that assface as hard as I could aiming for his balls but hit him in the lower abdomen knocking his breath out. He never really bothered me mch after that. In most circumstances a good swift hard punch in the face remedies nagging pain in the ass bully. Of couse hitting him in the back of the head with your history book real hard gets his attention too.

I should have beat him with my backpack while he was down.

I remember one time in 11th grade this assface wouldn;t leave me alone. We usually went the same way to class every day. One day he started down the long stairs into the hall. I was so tempted to push that son of a bitch down that flight of stairs and beat him with his own books. I held my temper and it paid off. A few days later he picked a fight with one of may friends who drenched his face in creamed potatoes and gravy and threatened to stab him in the throat with his lunch fork. This assface never learned to leave people alone. He's in prison now. Maybe somebody raped him. If I find out, I'll laugh at hima nd send him a congradulations card.

By Count Crapsalot (not verified) on 06 Apr 2010 #permalink

Part of the problem with corporal punishment is that it teaches people like the Count here to be violent, even as adults. My mother beat me as a kid, and when she tried the line "but I'm only doing this because I love you", I thought she was not only petty and vicious, but a liar too.

"Paddled" sounds like they got a sexual thrill out of it. Gross. Dirty old men (probably).

"The school wanted the girls to look like regular girls going to a prom, not whores and sluts ...
... I prefferably am attracted to women who wear longer dresses."

Then, a whore/slut looking for you as a John would wear a longer dress, wouldn't she? So these longer-wearing dress people in fact *are* dressed as whore/sluts as far as you are concerned, eh? Maybe you'd like to paddle 'em?

"Bullies should get paddled. After the second paddling for the same crime, they should be suspended for three days. If they continue thier reign of terror, then they should be expelled indefinitely from the school"

Bullies should be sent to prison for aggravated battery. If they are bullying for lunch money, they should also be sent up for extortion and robbery. Send 'em straight to juvie.

Part of the problem with corporal punishment is that it teaches people like the Count here to be violent, even as adults.

And that's why you're a violent person?

My mother beat me as a kid, and when she tried the line "but I'm only doing this because I love you", I thought she was not only petty and vicious, but a liar too.

So your petty, vicious, liar Mom beat you because she didn't care?

"Paddled" sounds like they got a sexual thrill out of it. Gross. Dirty old men (probably).

So your petty, vicious, liar Mom paddled you not because she cared, but for the sexual thrill she got out of it and that's why your a violent person who considers paddlers to be perverts... like your Mom?

I take it you have issues, Tizzle?

By Bill James (not verified) on 06 Apr 2010 #permalink

And that's why you're a violent person?

If Tizzle is, what of it ? One can be violent and not think it's a noble thing; I'm certainly a tad more violent than I think is good for the people around me.

So your petty, vicious, liar Mom beat you because she didn't care?

Way to false dichotomize. More likely she beat her because she was acting out her anger.

So your petty, vicious, liar Mom paddled you not because she cared, but for the sexual thrill she got out of it and that's why your a violent person who considers paddlers to be perverts... like your Mom?

Tizzle said her Mom beat her, not that she paddled her. Besides parents paddling children doesn't have half as many sexual connotations as adult males paddling teenage girls.

I take it you have issues, Tizzle?

A lot of people have issues but Tizzle's probably aren't those you're making up in your head. I can't decide if I'm more disgusted by your response because of its innuendo, offended by the transparent attempt to distract from the subject, or amused at how much you have to reach to do it.

By Caravelle (not verified) on 07 Apr 2010 #permalink

I can't wait for Trig Palin to be the only kid not invited to the private party.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 07 Apr 2010 #permalink

This is Alabama, Greg. Erica DeRamus didn't get the paddle option because of her prom dress. She got it because she's an "uppity black woman" who wants respect and self-determination instead of slavery. We can't have that in Alabama, no siree!

You want to go after racism, go after this, not the Avatar movie.

I can't wait for Trig Palin to be the only kid not invited to the private party."


I still cannot believe how threatened leftists feel over Sarah Palin. Especially the man hating militant feminazis. What is it that leftists hate about real women? Sarah Palin is the perfect woman. She's a strong woman, independent, God fearing, children loving, husband honoring, family oriented, Bible believing self respectable lady that every conservative single man dreams of. I am single and I would give my LEFT leg if I could find a 30 year old girl just like Sarah Palin. She is a good role model for girls. Hillary and Rosie O'Donnel and Ellen are not. Palin is a real lady and a real woman.

Oh, now I get it. Lefties hate her becuase she insn't a divorced bitter man hating non cooking non cleaning family hating enviroment worshipping marxist socialist nutcase. I get it. Lefties only like women who hate men. They are weird.

It's still funny though that liberals feel threatened by little ole Sarah Palin. It's hilarious that man hating feminists fear her. I think deep down they are all just a bunch of jealous whiny babies.

By Count Crapsalot (not verified) on 07 Apr 2010 #permalink