Are you connected with a scholarly society in any way?

On the board? Officer? Opinionated member?

If so I hope you will have a look at this:

Scholarly Societies: Why Bother?

and this:

The American Astronomical Society responds to "Scholarly Societies: Why Bother?"

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An interesting and provocative article in The Scientist by Steven Wiley iof the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, To Join or Not to Join. The thrust of the article is that scholarly societies are having trouble offering true value to their members in the Internet age, that their business…
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Back in the 20th century when I was active, I belonged to eleven scholarly societies. I still belong to two, where I am a life member. My major society requires membership for publication in our journal. I have generally enjoyed attending meetings. I knew many of the participants and have shared interests with them. I enjoyed standing up in a business meeting, "As a fully paid up Life member, I strongly support the proposed increase in annual dues." People remember that to this day.

By Jim Thomerson (not verified) on 15 Apr 2010 #permalink

Florida Citizens for Science. :-)