Weekend Diversions:

Obama pwns little what's his name for asking dumbest question evah.

Oliver North on How To Be a Good American (OMG!)

Djou: Playing Politics with Our Economic Recovery

And finally, .... A handful of political cartoons

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by Philip H. Now that the Election is over, there is the serious business of communicating and framing science to get back to. We learned a few things this year - science issues aren't yet ready for primetime debates, but if you ask cogent questions, and keep the number relatively small, you can…
Just the salient points. McCain does not want to spread the wealth around. Obama wants to cut the 15 billion dollar subsidy to insurance companies. Obama wants to invest in higher education. McCain is taking copious notes as Obama speaks. Maybe he'll pick something up. McCain is having a hard…
It's pretty hard to see how McCain could fail to romp through Feb. 5, especially if Romney isn't running any ads in the 22 states holding primaries or caucuses. As Steve Benen notes, this creates an opportunity for the Democratic candidates to break the circular firing squad and start showing who…

Re. Palin: Finally, she's being treated with all the respect she deserves.

Re. North: I'd like to see him try something like that here in Germany. He'd never get another interview. People just don't buy that shit here. And not just because of what happened the last time people did buy that shit here. The concept of being anti-German exists only on the fringe of the extreme right. Oh, wait. I think I see. How much fringe does the U.S. have, anyway?

Re. Cartoons: Don't show up at all in Firefox. Work fine in Chrome.

By Equisetum (not verified) on 16 Apr 2010 #permalink

Got it. Adblock Plus is blocking them. Weird.

By Equisetum (not verified) on 16 Apr 2010 #permalink

You know damn well if Sarah Palin is against it and Oliver North is against it then do more of it because it is 100% correct.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 16 Apr 2010 #permalink