All PhD students should watch this (in the sciences or otherwise)


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An exciting new blog However, I'm insulted that An Open Mind has got on their bad-boys list and I'm not. I thought I was notorious for rejecting inconvenient comments? Anyway, *I* suggest that you all try to make a comment on this post here, I'll reject them all, and you can…
Say, would the nice person who sent me the Roy Zimmerman CDs care to 'fess up in the comments? I need to turn you in for sedition. There might be a reward.

This is something that my advisor tries to reiterate frequently. I have to agree with the experience -- it's all to easy to get discouraged.

Pretty much anything that calls itself "science" is not science. Political science, social science, christian science, science-ology, etc.

The camera work was pretty bad.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 07 May 2010 #permalink