Don't miss these.

John McKay at Archy has written an in-dept analysis of Minnesota Congressperson Michele Bachmann. Read it here.

Surly Amy address Religion vs. Faith.

And, of course, the Ultimate Death Match: Fungus vs Worm

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Matt Taibbi is giving me nightmares. Read his long political biography of Michele Bachmann, with this terrifying conclusion. Even other Republicans, it seems, are making the mistake of laughing at Bachmann. But consider this possibility: She wins Iowa, then swallows the Tea Party and Christian vote…
For various reasons, it has been difficult for the Democrats in Minnesota (called "DFLers") to unseat Republican Congressional Representative Michele Bachmann. This has been partly because the candidates put up were not properly selected (probably) and partly because the people in her district…
As you know, our own Minnesota Congressman Michele Bachmann is officially running for president. I wonder what it would be like to have the President of the United States of America, like when she goes home to visit her family for Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July or whatever, and all these limos…
First a word about our lovely press. If I hear one more reporter grovel and squirm about how we don't really want to hurt the NRA or take away any gun rights or do anything unreasonable, no, no, we just want to assume there is a solution to the carnage that does not inconvenience any of the gun…

I thought there'd be a bit of martial arts in the fungi--worm battle. Oh well.

By Charles Sullivan (not verified) on 03 Aug 2010 #permalink