Michele Bachmann Could Be Replaced

For various reasons, it has been difficult for the Democrats in Minnesota (called "DFLers") to unseat Republican Congressional Representative Michele Bachmann. This has been partly because the candidates put up were not properly selected (probably) and partly because the people in her district simply liked her. Personally, I think her district started to like her less before the last Congressional election but supported her anyway because of her celebrate. But I have another theory as well, which is that the Tea Party is done. Out of date. No longer relevant. Michele Bachmann's district's voters have tired of the Tea Party and Michele Bachmann is the Tea Party.

And there are polls to indicate that this may be the case. Jim Graves, Michele Bachmann's DFL opponent in the Sixth District Race in Minnesota, is creeeping closer and closer to Bachmann's numbers, and it is possible that this race could even up over the next few weeks.

From the Minnesota Progressive Project:

A new poll conducted by Greenberg Quinlan indicates that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is more vulnerable to her Democratic challenger than previously believed.
The polling firm surveyed about registered likely voters in the Sixth Congressional district of Minnesota from August 29 to August 30. The results indicate only forty per cent of the voters in Bachmann's politically conservative district rate her performance "Excellent/Good." Thirty-five per cent of those polled rate Bachmann's performance "Poor."

Asked who they would vote for if the election were held today, forty-eight per cent of those polled indicated that they would vote for incumbent Bachmann and forty-six per cent indicates they would vote for her opponent Jim Graves, a newcomer to politics.

Minnesota Political expert Bill Pendergast gives his analysis of this here. That site is getting a lot of sudden attention so it may take a moment to load, give it time.

Of critical importance is the fact that Graves has a strong advantage for future movement of the polls. From MinnPost:

The poll also show that Graves’ name ID in the district has jumped 20 points, though he’s still largely unknown at 38 percent. Meanwhile, Bachmann is known by 99 percent of voters. That will make it harder for Bachmann to change peoples’ perceptions about her, while Graves should be able to influence people who do not yet have an opinion of him.

This is not the only race in Minnesota that has a chance of replacing a Republican with a Democrat. Stay tuned.

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The link to the Mn Progressive Project is broken. Can we get a good link?

By Bill Ayer (not verified) on 10 Sep 2012 #permalink

Not broken, the site may be a bit overwhelmed with all the buzz about Bachmann.