NYT: Hauser "May Have Fabricated..."

With each new drop of information spilled by the media, the case seems clearer that Hauser made up data. As Nicholas Wade reports, this would potentially be "the unforgivable sin."

"Given the published design of the experiment, my conclusion is that the control condition was fabricated," said Gerry Altmann, the editor of the journal Cognition, in which the experiment was published.


"There is a difference between breaking the rules and breaking the most sacred of all rules," said Jonathan Haidt, a moral psychologist at the University of Virginia. The failure to have performed a reported control experiment would be "a very serious and perhaps unforgivable offense," Dr. Haidt said.


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By Charles Sullivan (not verified) on 27 Aug 2010 #permalink

How about a regular peer-audit additional to the reviewing process?

By rijkswaanvijand (not verified) on 28 Aug 2010 #permalink