An Internet meteor shower

A collection of meteor videos for your amusement and amazement:

Peekskill Bolide Fireball of 1992

Police dash cam of Meteor over Edmonton, Canada

Man hit by meteor (very rare footage)

Shower of comets right above some guy's apartment in North Carolina

Five state ongoing intermittent noisy meteor shower

Absolute proof that aliens are protecting us .... or perhaps saving us for later:

2006 Mexico

Blaire Witch Meteor


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The Raleigh meteor video is a fake. There are a few other fakes, but they are obvious to casual viewers. I wonder how many readers here recognized the Raleigh video as a fake?

By Chris Crawford (not verified) on 18 Sep 2010 #permalink

I was so glad that the Worlf Update news service highlighted the meteor in the slo-mo replay. Without the circle highlighting the meteor, I might not have guessed that the bright thing I could see falling though the sky the way things usually don't was what he was talking about.

By Timberwoof (not verified) on 18 Sep 2010 #permalink