National Science Education Standards

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The recent AAAS meeting, as has been well-blogged about, was on the theme of sustainability. In parallel, there were a series of sustainability related articles in the accompanying issue of Science that week (9 February 2007). One that caught my eye was about the growth increase in wind power in…
I attended this one day pre-conference session on February 3, 2010. I got here after the first group of speakers, unfortunately, due in part to #snOMG and part to parking confusion.   Barbara Kline Pope on Free at the National Academies Press Mission is to disseminate books from National Academies…
As Science reports, the big news this week is that Congress passed a bill that adopts almost all of the recommendations of the 2005 National Academies report Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America. The bill was signed this morning by President Bush. The unprecedented…
A Draft National Climate Assessment has been released by the “National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee.” You can download it here … warning: it is a PDF file way over 100 megabytes The report affirms that climate is changing and that this change is primarily caused by human…

Thanks, got it - now to find time to read it. :(

By MadScientist (not verified) on 29 Sep 2010 #permalink