Do's and Don'ts Debating Creationists: Part 1

Back from a party where there was a creationist, it went well, bed time now, but looking forward to seeing how the vid matches up with my approach...

I essentially didn't call him wrong, just listened to what he had to say, and explained wht my thoughts were, and why.

He's going to read Coyne's Why Evolution Is True, which isn't a bad start, will be getting my copy to him soon.

PS Party, also very good.

First argument with a creationist should be from their viewpoint. Based upon their beliefs the omnipotent supreme being of universe, is incapable of creating an evolving universe largely because creationist can not understand evolution and of course creationist in this universe are second in intelligence and understanding only to the supreme being of the universe and if they can not understand it does not exist.

Now personally, in mind humble opinion, I would think the gap in intelligence and understanding of their omnipotent supreme being of the universe and the typical evangelical preacher is quite a bit greater than they like to think it is and, I would think it is a little arrogant for your typical creationist preacher to set limits on what their omnipotent supreme being of the universe is and is not capable of doing.

So the question to the creationist preacher is god capable or incapable of creating an evolving universe and based upon your best guess in this instance why did not their omnipotent supreme being of the universe do so, some evidence for your best guess would be nice.

On the creationist argument from population growth - consider that the Bible tells us (in the first chapter of the Book of Numbers, as well as elsewhere) that the number of able-bodied males taking part in the Exodus from Egypt was over 600,000. The traditional date for the Exodus was about 1500 BC. Add in the number of elderly, women, and children, and that means that 3 million is not unreasonable. Add in the number of Egyptians, as well as people that were going to be displaced in the Promised Land, as well as uninvolved people in the rest of the world, and you have a world population of many millions. Let's be conservative and call it 8 million.

Now, this involves a little mathematics, but I hope it isn't too complicated. The traditional date of Noah's Deluge was something a little less than 1000 years before the Exodus. The 8 people on the Ark multiplied in less than 1000 years to 8 million. That means that in the next 1000 years, they would multiply to 8 million million = 8 trillion people.

The fisrt rule is simple. Creationists are right. Evolution is a man made myth like so many other man made myths designed for control (global warming hoax?). Evolution is just an angry man's fairy tale. Nothing more. There is no debate. We are right, you are wrong. Debate that. We absolutely refuse to listent o your control methods and more than that we absolutely refuse to let you indoctrinate our kids with your socialist agenda. Debate that.

By Debate Winner (not verified) on 03 Oct 2010 #permalink

DW, that's an excellent summary of the stupidity so many creationists push. I'm amazed that you are able to summarize, in one short paragraph, the extent to which many of them have managed to turn off any signs of intelligence - indeed, any sign of the ability to learn anything. How long did you have to practice to be able to ridicule the creationist "mind" so succinctly?

Creationists like DW are the reason why the first item is "Don't do it."

Excellent talk. But I kept getting distracted by the fact that he sound's a lot like Wallace Shawn.