Glenn Beck Inspired Gun Nut

This should come as a surprise to no one. Byron Williams, known as the "Highway Shooter" for his 12 minutres shootout with CHIPS officers earlier this year, described the connection between Glenn Beck and his activities to a John Hamilton of Media Matters.

... Williams details what he saw as an elaborate global conspiracy [and points to] specific broadcasts of Beck's show for information on the conspiracy he describes. ... Beck's show provided "information on the conspiracy theory that drove him over the edge: an intricate plot involving Barack Obama, philanthropist George Soros, a Brazilian oil company, and the BP disaster."...

..."Williams also points to other media figures -- right-wing propagandist David Horowitz, and Internet conspiracist and repeated Fox News guest Alex Jones -- as key sources of information to inspire his 'revolution.'"

The insanity is described here.

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Naah, Byron Williams is not a true Scotsman.
Real Glenn Beck fans rely on Beck for instruction about nuclear physics, microbiology and brain surgery, in addition to politics. Williams only seems to have watched Beck for an hour a day, while us true Beckists record his appearences and view him 4-6 hours daily.
Williams appears to be a libr'ul wannabe, had he been a true Beckist, his markmanship would have allowed him to shoot many more of the cops. Blaming his killing spree on Beck is like blaming the Republicans for the budget deficit -obviously absurd.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 13 Oct 2010 #permalink

Lunacy is contagious. Glen Beck is heavily infected.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 13 Oct 2010 #permalink