Happy Anniversary The Breaking of the Barrier

This barrier:

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Chuck Yeager is still alive :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_yeager

BTW, the design for the Bell-X-1 was originally devised by the British aircraft company Miles, who actually flew a remote-controlled scale model (there is a film of the model in flight, but I did not find it on the internet). The British minister of aviation ordered the program to be handed over to the Americans. A British flight pineer had died using a different aircraft to try and reach Mach 1, and the minister apparently considered the whole affair too dangerous...

Also, the first aircraft to reach 1000km/h was a prototype of Messerschmitt 163 Komet, but the wings were not swept back far enough to allow it to reach Mach 1. Bell X 1 had no swept wings, but had razor-sharp wing edges on ots straight wings instead (incidentally, that works well at Mach 2, but very draggy at Mach 1).

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 13 Oct 2010 #permalink

The guy certainly had the right stuff.

might be time to watch "The Right Stuff."

Birger Johansson: the Miles M52 design had the same general shape as the Bell X-1 but was very different in detail. Most importantly it had a turbojet engine, with a much longer endurance than the Bell's rocket motor, and was designed to take off from a runway rather than being dropped from a B29.

By David Evans (not verified) on 14 Oct 2010 #permalink

I was always intrigued why accounts of Yeager's feat would often read something like "the first man to pilot a plane to break the sound barrier in level flight".

Why the qualification "in level flight"?

Did someone else break the sound barrier in *non-level* flight before Yeager?

Yes, they did, during WWII, they broke the sound barrier during dives all the time. I don't know about wwI. Usually by accident, because going too fast during a dive would result in the center of lift being pushed back past the center of drag, so the plane would pitch forwards, into the dive! So they usually crashed.

Lots of things break the sound barrier. It has been suggested that certain dinosaurs could whip their tails in the same way, so that would be a very early example of an earthling breaking the sound barrier (if true). A whip causes a sonic boom when it cracks, and bullets leave the barrel of a firearm at faster than the speed of sound routinely (depending).

But I'm not sure if aircraft during WW II routinely broke the sound barrier. They did indeed often go so fast, in a dive, that they crashed but there were a lot of reasons for that happening. The concept that there was a sound barrier and that they may have been approaching it or crossing it, and thus losing control, breaking up, crashing, etc arose at that time and added mystery and fear to the whole concept of a sound barrier that could not be broken. But most of those cases may have been aircraft going slower than the sound barrier.

Having said that, keep in mind that is all relative. An aircraft can travel at the speed of sound ground speed if it is in a very fast wind, but still be going subsonic in relation to the air around it. By the same token, an aircraft can be going at, cay, 80 percent the speed of sound and the air passing over the controll surfaces, which are curved, is actually moving relative to the aircraft's surface at faster than the speed of sound. Which, of course, has those sound barrier effects.

WWI 'planes did not go supersonic.

the WWII guys probably did not either. That was the "barrier". when they got close to sonic speed (in a dive) the controls went wonky and they had trouble pulling out of the dive.

The x-1 was not very sharp or thin (8% thickness/chord). the rocket engine and heavy contruction (good for 18g positive or negative) gave it the oomph. It had a adjustible stabilizer that kept it controlable. the prototype f86 was flying and they could go supersonic in a dive.

By fearlessfurnac… (not verified) on 18 Oct 2010 #permalink