If only...

I think a great preventive measure would be reusable water bottles and filter pitchers.

I have never understood the whole bottled water thing, except for Perrier. Most bottled water tastes just like tap water.

A lot of bottled water IS tap water!
More conscientous companies use water from wells, and the higher mineral content can *sometimes* make that water taste better than tap water, but it is up to your individual tastes. Bottled water is of course important in places where tap water is contaminated -it is a privilige to live in a place where you do not have to worry about that.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 14 Oct 2010 #permalink

I live in a place where the tap water is pumped out of a limestone aquifer, so it's loaded with minerals- 450 ppm dissolved solids. It tastes rather bitter, so I buy a lot of bottled water. Usually I refill bottles from the reverse osmosis filtered water at the grocery store.

By GoatRider (not verified) on 15 Oct 2010 #permalink

i live in a place where you can pump water directly out of a lake and drink it.

I live in an area with very soft water (~30ppm). When I worked in Greece, I found the bottled water was >360ppm! To me, it tasted like soap, and it never quenched my thirst. To make matters worse, refrigeration was scarce (and nothing is ever served with ice in it).

Fortunately, there are rare occasions when a multi-national corporation will come to your rescue. Because tourism is such an important part of the economy there, a cold Heineken was cheaper than bottled water, and tasted way better.

I understand the disgust for water bottles, but before we get rid of them all-together, we should consider a replacement for the utility of them when natural disasters occur (i.e. hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.). Because one of the first things requested in these areas is water bottles/jugs.

Or, if people really do simply want to believe that perfectly good tap water is undrinkable, lets' stop spending hard earned middle class tax dollars on expensive fancy dancy water treatment plants!!!1!! Everyone should purify their own water, and we can also assume everyone will emit clean effluence as well.

The logo at the end does not help!
Its like an arms manufacturer asking you to "use your ammo thoughtfully"!