Christine O'Donnel, Ignoramous, on Teaching Creationism in Schools

And her opponent on teaching evolution.

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Ignoramus has only one "o".

By Fred Nurke (not verified) on 20 Oct 2010 #permalink

The banner in the background gives a hint as to the reason for the laughter: the debate was being held at the Widener University School of Law, and the audience is composed almost entirely of law faculty and law students.

Is the Theory of Intelligent Design a theory that is accepted by the scientific community?

So you're saying it's intentional? Ha! indeed! But I don't buy it.
Anyway, on to more important things. Keep up the great blog!

By Fred Nurke (not verified) on 20 Oct 2010 #permalink

Is the Theory of Intelligent Design a theory that is accepted by the scientific community?


Is the Theory of Intelligent Design a theory that is accepted by the scientific community?

What "theory" is that?

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 20 Oct 2010 #permalink

"Is the Theory of Intelligent Design a theory that is accepted by the scientific community?"

yes, but as an example of a bad theory.

Don't the stupid and ignorant have a right to proportional representation in our government? LOL They may well get it.

By Jim Thomerson (not verified) on 20 Oct 2010 #permalink

I'm with Ed on this one.

Only an ignoramus, a moron or a demagogue would make such an argument. The fact that it doesn't use this exact phrase is irrelevant. Nowhere in the constitution will you find the phrases "separation of powers," "checks and balances" or "limited government." But no one in their right mind would claim that those concepts are not accurate descriptions of the purpose of various provisions in the Constitution.

How do we know this? Because the men who wrote the Constitution used those phrases to describe those provisions, just as Jefferson and Madison used the phrase "separation of church and state" to describe the purpose of the First Amendment. We can disagree about what exactly that phrase means or entails, of course; the founders themselves disagreed on it. But to pretend that it just isn't there at all is either idiotic or dishonest -- take your pick.

Well, he leaves out "grossly ignorant" in the last sentence, but aside from that, he sums it up pretty well.

It is evident that Ms O'Donnell is thicker then two short planks measured end to end. The appropriate quote here is "She only opens her mouth to change feet".

More importantly, is there any chance she might be elected?

All I'm saying is people this is a Christian women! And the only reason why you all hate her is not because shes stupid because clearly shes smart but you hate her for her faith in God. Shes trying to tell you Jesus is the Way to Heaven you all don't wanna have Jesus in yoru lives so you hate Christians.

If you hate Christine whose a Christian then you must hate Jesus Christ Himself because she stands for what Jesus stood for. The only reason shes so hated is because demons are trying to push this lady out of office because they know shes gonna make a positive impact on our schools and government in general


/...The only reason shes so hated is because demons are trying to push this lady out of office because they know shes gonna make a positive impact on our schools and government in general...<>

I for one do not hate her, and I do not hate Jesus Christ (haven't met him, actually) and, Ashley, I don't hate you.

I do think you are delusional if you think there are demons trying to influence an election, however. Maybe just a little, but there it is.

Ashley(no 18) claims that we "all hate her is not because shes stupid because clearly shes smart but you hate her for her faith in God. Shes trying to tell you Jesus is the Way to Heaven you all don't wanna have Jesus in yoru(sic) lives so you hate Christians". Utter tosh.

I do not hate Ms O'Donnell, I find her two parts hilarious to one part dopey, and her religion is not a factor, except in as much as it has apparently removed most of her brain cells and/or her critical faculties

Ashley's other issue is that "The only reason(the SECOND only reason?) shes so hated is because demons are trying to push this lady out of office because they know shes gonna make a positive impact on our schools and government in general".

First, pedantically, you cannot have two "only reasons", either grammatically or any other way. Only means one and exclusive.

Second,demons exist only in your fevered brain. Look outside; sorry,no demons.

Third, the imaginary demons cannot "..push this lady out of office.." for the plain and simple reason that she has NEVER been IN office. Every attempt by the vacuum between the ears which is Ms O'Donnell to get into office has been rejected by the voters. This give us some hope that the USA will survive.

An idiot defending another is not a pretty sight.

I dunno, Ashley struck me as a Poe.

But if she isn't, it always amuses me that people like that think that the only qualification one needs for public office is to be a gawd fearin' Christian. No actual knowledge is needed because the Lawd will guide Christine's hand as she proposes and votes on legisation in the Senate.