Michele Bachmann on Science

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This reconstruction, produced by researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany using a technique called digital scanned laser light sheet fluorescence microscopy, shows the movements of all 16,000 cells in an 18-hour-old zebrafish embryo. To make the film,…

The only thing this loony may possibly know about science is how to spell it (assuming she has a dictionary on the right page open in front of her)...

The only Dr. T. George I find is in the School of Religion. Great source of reliable science there.

Fuuuuuuuu- Seriously, facepalm. Argh! I've been so dumified by watching this that I can only speak in memes! Curse you, MB!

And since science follows god's truth, that's why science has consistently proven that the earth is 6000 years old and was created in 6 days, right?

By captainahags (not verified) on 29 Oct 2010 #permalink

"He is a kind and good God," eh? So then why does he throw an eternal "I am not talking to you anymore and furthermore you can burn in Hell" drama queen snit fit if people don't fall down before him and say "Jesus is Lord?"

I am sure that there is a scientific explanation, since theology has been pretty weak in answering that.

I before E except after C, right?