If you are a resident of Minnesota you can vote NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!

Chalk one up to the Republicans: A liberal leaning African American acquaintance was talked out of voting today because "they changed the rules and you need two forms of ID and a Minnesota Drivers License this year" etc. etc. Yes, folks, he was lied to, he gave up, and that's one point for the Teabaggers and one point against democracy.

Do not be a moron. You can vote if you live here. That's true pretty much everywhere. Just do it. If you get to the polls and things don't seem to be right for you to vote, talk to the people sitting at the folding table. It can always be done, even if it requires some forms being filled out.

We just got back from our polling place. There were a LOT of people there, but I didn't spot any of the 10,000 teabaggers that promised to show up at Minnesota polls to harass people, defying a court order. I was deeply disappointed. I wanted to get me a teabagger. Wrestle his ass to the ground, step on his head, all that. Oh well. Maybe I'll go back later.

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