"Richard Dawkins, your theory sucks!

We laugh at the idea of you burning in hell and we hope you get hit by a church van tonight!!"

... Richard Dawkins reads some of his hate mail while relaxing at the hearth.

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Pretty impressive. Well read Mr Dawkins. I'm certain I wouldn't be able to put as much feeling into the hate mail as he does.

Do these believers in a loving god know how silly they sound?

Jared -

I would suggest that you go after the animal rights loons, but depending where you live, they might actually come to your house. They would definitely find other ways to fuck with you - they like that sort of thing. I have several email subscriptions to various porn sites and other random bullshit to prove that latter. Though living in MI, I suspect they are more reticent about coming in person.

The other great way to get hate mail, is to fuck with some southern nationalists - or outright white supremacists. Though again, depending where you live, this might get you more than hate mail and unlike the AR loons, those motherfuckers often actually are armed. Unfortunately, we actually have some white supremacists in MI and not all of them are pissing their pants cowards.

Kapitano @ #6:

Anyone up for a Hate Mail Generator?

Simulating the mindset of a right-wing bigot should theoretically be rather easy: Take a sophisticated artificial intelligence and multiply the results by -1.

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 19 Nov 2010 #permalink

"Your destiny is all fucked up!" I LOL'd.

Frankly you have to pity these people in a way. This is not just intellectually puerile, but are examples of emotional immaturity as well. They basically say, "Our's is a big and loving God, but when the end comes He and the rest of us will enjoy watching you burn in hell, you god-damned frekking piece of ... ," and the axe grinding gets more intense. Half of them skip the first part and get right down to the axe grinding and frothing at the mouth. I really have to wonder about the mental health of these people.

By Lawrence B. Crowell (not verified) on 20 Nov 2010 #permalink