The great thing about Apple is that all the hardware and software are designed to work together ...

... like clockwork. Orange that is.

Or perhaps 1984 is a better analogy, and that would be rather poignant, considering that Apple is said to have made a huge initial impact years ago with its anti-1984 ad.

We should have known then that a company using 1984 as a means of selling itself would eventually develop into its own Orwellian nightmare.

The latest?

... a representative from developer relations informed the CEO of Mediaprovider, a small magazine publisher based in Denmark, that he couldn't put a magazine about Google's (GOOG) Android on the App Store.

According to Mediaprovider's Brian Dixon, the exchange went like this:

"So what's the problem?" Dixon asked, knowing full well what the problem was.

"You know... your magazine," replied the Apple rep, who identified himself only as Richard. "It's just about Android.... we can't have that in our App Store."


Apple is funny. Not ha-ha funny, though. /


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I love my Apple products, but they are rather overbearing about what apps they will allow. They won't even install flash for goodness sake! But I will NOT give up my Mac or iPhone!

Their products are great, especially since they started to base their main operating system on a Linux-like kernel (much more reliable, powerful, etc.).

But Utopias are Utopias. This sort of story does make me want to jailbreak my iTouch. I have no idea what that would get me, but it just sounds good. Like that woman throwing the hammer through Big Brother's head.

Uh oh. "... since they started to base their main operating system on a Linux-like kernel ..."

BSD flame war in 3 ..

By MadScientist (not verified) on 29 Nov 2010 #permalink

I would have snarked at calling BSD 'linux like' once upon a time. Now I'll focus my inner asshole at "with it's anti-1984 ad"

(should be its)

Ah, I feel much more superior now :-)

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 29 Nov 2010 #permalink

Mach is Linux like?

Mac is Linux-like insofar as Linux is BSD-like, but quibbling over the cardinality of that likeness is so 2008.

I've jailbroken my iPod Touch a couple of times, and on each occasion I did exactly nothing interesting with it. I ended up restoring it because the latest firmware fixed a bug that pissed me off. I know I can jailbreak it again if I really want to, but it does everything I want it to just fine without it.

Yep, not allowing someone to promote a competitor's product on their platform is exactly like totalitarian mind-control.