More Retro: MTV Ruined Everything for Everybody

Half of my regular readers (well, at least four, maybe five) tell me, under duress, that they truly enjoy my more long-winded posts, but the vast majority of random visits clearly come to the quick and dirty posts, the videos that I slapped up with no forethought, the items that take less than five seconds to read though often there is a video, and the occasional kitty kat. MTV-generation pandering. Later I'll retrospect some of those long winded tomes, but for now, here's a set of pointers to some of the more visited posts not covered in my previous retrospective:

A rare excellent photograph of a rare excellent cat. It is a rare excellent photograph because although I take a lot of pictures, I take only a few good ones. A lot of people take pictures, but only some of them are photographers, and I'm not one of the latter. Nonetheless, I can get lucky, and this photograph of a King Cheetah (a morph of the regular Cheetah) considering whether or not it is time for lunch, was one of those lucky moments.

Peeple luved this post, though I dont' no why. Klick here

I had never heard of Autotune until I blogged it.

Hardly anyone commented on this but zillions viewed it: Space Tool Bag Visible from Earth!

This post makes the teachers all weepy: If you ask for it then I have to let you have it

And there you have it. Me doing the absolute minimum with maximum bloggy effect.

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My best photograph of a cheetah. View Larger image I took this photo of a cheetah at De Wildt's in South Africa. It is a "King Cheetah." Although there was a period of time when some thought the King was a new subspecies of cheetah, it turns out to be a simple color morph. Although this was…
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It is end of the year retrospective time. This is the time of year those of us who do stuff others read or watch all year run out of good stuff to do and dredge up old stuff to keep the few of you who are not flying to Mexico or baking cookies busy while we get drunk. This is the first in a…

Funny, I'm the opposite- I love your long posts but lack the attention span for a video.

but the vast majority of random visits clearly come to the quick and dirty posts, the videos that I slapped up with no forethought, the items that take less than five seconds to read though often there is a video, and the occasional kitty kat.

Hm, curious. Maybe you do a better job at tagging than me, but I find those "don't have time but need to post something" posts to be mostly ignored by randoms, and skimmed with hardly any comments by regulars, as a rule of thumb.
Maybe a scienceblogger gets more randoms naturally....