A Message To Sarah Palin from Media Matters CEO David Brock

David Brock, you are a hero. You are the Edward R. Murrow to
Palin's McCarthy.
Let's hope you have the same effect on her as Edward did upon McCarthy.

Maybe because I've been working at newspapers for a decade and listen to NPR when I listen the radio, I'm not a good judge, but i liked his delivery. I feel he was sincere and clear and straightforward without hyperbole or schtick.

I loved his delivery: calm, deliberate and rational.

Message to Media Matters from real Americans.

You still haven't gotten rid of Fox News and you still are not controlling the media as your dear leader Soros wishes. You guys suck. Now, go get a real job and stop playing dictator. America is better than your marxist whims.

By Captain Patriot (not verified) on 13 Jan 2011 #permalink


You really have a weak grasp on reality, don't you?

Here's a question for you: let's say that George Soros is the King Lefty out there. (He isn't, not even close, but let's pretend.) He's doing exactly what any number of right-wing billionaires have done, except he's doing it for a cause you don't like. What exactly is wrong there?

BrianX(no 9) wrote "CP, You really have a weak grasp on reality, don't you?".

Captain Patriot watches Faux News, it seems, so a weak grasp of reality is part of the package.

Anyone who can characterise George Soros as a Marxcist/Communist has not only a weak grasp on reality, but no understanding of what those terms mean, nor of how much money Mr Soros has poured into the ex-Communist countries of Central Europe to try and help in the transition to democracy

"Captain" - a military rank. Probably assumed in order to impart a martial air.
"Pat" - an Irishman.
"Riot"? 'Nuff said.

Clam! You just gave me a great idea. Hold on a second.

Let's see. Let me just work out this little bash one-liner with some awk and perl and I'll just use the built in linux dictionary and a little tweeking and .... There! Done!

Violla! Selected anagrams of Captain Patriot

A Catnip Patriot
Croatian Pap Tit
Captain Taro Pit
Tapioca Rant Pit
Tapioca Rat Pint
Catnap Patriot I
Tiara Intact Pop
A Titanic Rat Pop
A Carton At Pipit
A Taco Rant Pipit
A Carp Titian Pot
A Crap Patio Tint
A Pact Inapt Riot
A Pact Tapir Into
A Tract Piano Pit
A Cat Iran Tiptop
A Pain Tart Picot
A Pain Tart Topic
A Paint Tar Optic

Well done greg. Nice hobby... for nerds. I bet that one attracts the ladies. Well there is the one (probably the only one) over at Pharyngula, but she's related to wolfman. Nuff said. Now if you'll step this way I will introduce you to PZ Myers' hobby of fornicating polls. One can only imagine the power of nerds getting together on a lazy sunday afternoon and combining their poll fornicating anagram powers. They'll take over the world. In the words of Howard Dean "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Greg Bin Laden

See if you can select anagrams of poll fornication while taming wolfman. Good luck.

Oh, better claim rights to your new found hobby before Al Gore claims he invented it too.

By Captain Patriot (not verified) on 14 Jan 2011 #permalink