"The Creation Museum" Jessie and Casey Clausen on Atheists Talk #101, January 30, 2011

Creationism may seem like a joke to most atheists. After all, how could the univerese and everything in it be only 6000 years old, when the light from galaxies 10 billian light years away takes (you guessed it) 10 billion years to get here?That was the question I had initially asked when I heard that there are serious people who insist that the Biblical story of creation should be taken literally in all ways. I was using Man's Reason on which to base my beliefs that the universe is old. I wasn't going to the "true source" of all knowledge to get the straight dope on Creation.


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I have now corrected the typo at the MNatheists site. "Billian" is now "billion."

By Mike Haubrich (not verified) on 29 Jan 2011 #permalink