I wish I coulda been there ... by all accounts it sounds like the Creozerg visit to the Creation Museum went well. A couple of kids were thrown out because they said things or whatever, which is good because it shows that the whole point of the creation museum is to express, secure, and protect a particular point of view and to supress others. For your entertainment, I've collected a handful of links from the event. Please visit these links, and if you are a social neworking kinda person, digg-em-up or stumbleuponthem or whatever. It would be very nice, would it not, if over the next few months anyone who sought information on the creation museum found lots of these stories on the top of the google food chain?
If you have a blog, you know what to do. and in case you don't, just open this page (the one you are reading now) with Firefox, and hit ctrl U. Then, find the code for the list of links, copy, paste, blog.
Visit the The Creation Museum of Kentucky!
.. A Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis production ..
Expelled from the Creation "Museum"
See what you missed?
A little taste of the strangeness
Creation Museum Highlight
Photos from the trip
Secular Student Alliance Conference and Creation "Museum" Trip: After the Visit
Atheists Invade Creation Museum
PZ Myers and Hemant Mehta at the Creation Museum
CreoZerg! PZ Myers and 285 Atheists Visit Creation Museum
P.Z. Myers Rides A Dinosaur!
Quick Random thoughts on the Creation Museum
The Creation Museum visit
Pharyngulates at the Creation Museum
I CreoZerg'd all day today
I Went to CreoZerg
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Half of these links are virtually content free if discounting the pic of PZ Meyers riding the dino. The Thomas Society is worth a click however.
Bill-I guess people who were there haven't gotten around to blogging more extensively about the experience yet. A link to my site was included in the links above and all I had was pretty much just the PZ picture, but I just added another much longer post about it, visit if you're interested :)
Thanks for linking to my blog Greg!
Bill (and others), I've added a blog post describing one of my experiences in the "Museum" (which was briefly described in the ABC News article. Available here: http://davenichols.net/creation-museum-visit-believer-atheist-discussion
Greg, thanks for linking to my earlier post!
Please add the following blog to your list. It will have another entry in it tonight comparing Charles Templeton to Martin Luther.