Evolution of Creationism

As a member of MNCSE I object to Steven Newton gratuitous opening statement but otherwise you might find this useful.

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Steven Newton should have contained his laughter throughout - he came off immature.

By Sondrah Laden (not verified) on 09 Feb 2011 #permalink

I'm sorry if said this inarticulately, but what I meant to say was that we're the only national group working full time, singly to the task of defending evolution. I fully recognize the important contributions of groups such as MnCSE and TFN (which I did mention) to defending evolution and science education more generally.

Thanks for the clarification, Steve!

Of course, I posted your talk because I think it's a great talk, and that people should pay attention to it.

Steve - Sorry, never thought you may read this - which I should have. However, I stand by my contention that with a video available to the public, you gave the other side of the argument fuel by seemingly treating their ideas as a joke.

The blogosphere is a harsh mistress.

@ #4: Their ideas *are* jokes.

By Goldenmane (not verified) on 11 Feb 2011 #permalink


He's not an Aussie, he's a Kiwi. He doesn't have an Aussie accent, he's got a Moron accent (which is significantly different from a Kiwi accent, and remarkably similar to Ken Ham's (who is from Oz) accent.

By Goldenmane (not verified) on 11 Feb 2011 #permalink