Stupidity Abounds

And I have proof:

The Idaho Press Tribune has an abysmally stupid editorial for you to read and discuss. Do you know what "Tribune" means. Clearly, they don't at the Idaho Press Tribune.

Why is there so much hype about finding "life-friendly planets" (Page A7, Feb. 3)? Because evolutionists want support for their theory. If life evolved here, it surely evolved elsewhere in the millions and billions of years of the universe's existence.

Not only does scientific evidence abound showing there must be an intelligent creator of everything, but our solar system cannot be billions of years old. Here are a few samples without detail.. bla bla bla.

Is it worth your trouble to log on and add a comment? Yes, of course it is! That would be at least as effective as poll crashing.

Meanwhile, Mississippi is seriously considering issuing license plates to honor Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest. He is famous for his massacre of unarmed black soldiers during the Civil War, and for having a very significant role in forming the KKK after the war. He is worthy, very worthy indeed. But not of the honor of being screwed to the bumper of a car. He is worthy, rather, of resounding vilification. The people of Mississippi are obviously morons. You can read about this astonishing turn of events here.

Meanwhile, here in Minnesota we have Republican freshman legislator Scott Newman. He needs to go to prison, plain and simple. After his election he refused to meet with constituents who supported his opponent, and stated in writing that he had no intention of speaking with or supporting anyone who did not donate to his campaign or otherwise support him. As far as I know, that's conspiracy and extortoin. The legislature is considering taking action on the grounds of ethics violations, and Imma let them have fun with that, but this is clearly a legal issue and must be investigated by our friendly local federal attorney. He claims, of course, that it was all a dumb mistake and he never meant to do anything inappropriate. He claims an inexperienced legislative assistant crafted and implemented the policy. Details are everywhere.

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Do you remember a few years ago when the previous pope had a serious discussion whether or no alien life found would have 'original sin'. He decided that they would not, but I can't remember his 'reasoning' for for his 'decision'.

The Forrest thing is staggering. It's as if the British (i.e. my) government decided to put up a 20ft golden statue of Oliver Cromwell with an Irishman's head on a pike. Or indeed a statue of Air Marshall Harris complete with map of Dresden. What possesses these people?

I'm sure white Americans in the South can't be as racist as they seem. Surely it's just a minority of crazy rednecks?

Would it be ok if it were Oliver Cromwell with Charles I's head on a spike?

WRT the creationist: I liked the thing about the constellations spinning too fast.

I'm sure white Americans in the South can't be as racist as they seem. Surely it's just a minority of crazy rednecks?

I can't claim that the crazy rednecks are a majority, but there are enough of them to elect a substantial faction in the state legislature, and that faction is powerful enough to be taken seriously.

Large parts of rural America (not exclusively the south, although it is most highly concentrated there) are quite racist. Add in the Jeffersonian "nation of small farmers" tradition (which may have been partly true in Jefferson's day but is now almost entirely illusory) and you can get a rather toxic brew.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 11 Feb 2011 #permalink

Of course it's a majority in Mississippi.

This sort of racism is close to a majority nationally. Surely it is a majority in a place like Mississippi. It does not seem this way often because racists have to some extent learned to shut up.

@davelong it's hard to really know for a lot of reasons.
As Greg said, you learn who you can be open with. Even racists live in closets.

When you're confronted by a real life example, it can feel a lot more statistically significant.

I spent a year in Atlanta, and was surprised at how many of my professional co-workers would spout off stuff like "it's not discrimination for security to follow a black person in a store, since black people are statistically more likely to commit a crime". Maybe 'surprised' isn't the word.

Or how many people felt comfortable tossing around racial epithets when describing people.

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 11 Feb 2011 #permalink

The Forrest thing is staggering. It's as if the British (i.e. my) government decided to put up a 20ft golden statue of Oliver Cromwell with an Irishman's head on a pike

Or trying to build a monument gloryfying the terrorist organisation OAS (a french terrorist group which organized attacks against everyone who did not like the idea of keeping Algeria under French control by killing as many algerians as possible) in a region where a lot of people of algerian ancestry live...…

By Laurent Weppe (not verified) on 12 Feb 2011 #permalink