How to Upgrade Windows

And historical exploration, from DOS to Seven

"Daddy, what's a floppy drive?"

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It was interesting, but I was also taken by the name "Twatface".

That must have hurt.

By Rick O'Leary (not verified) on 06 Mar 2011 #permalink

The title reminds me that my workplace still, I believe, has a claw hammer labeled "windows system configuration tool."

I have an instrument at work, still occasionally used, that runs off a computer using DOS, it's been there for at least the decades I've been here.

Also, I don't get the whole disappointment with the color scheme not carrying over. Meh.

dos 6 was the last stable OS produced by MS.
OS/2 would even sorta multitask DOS apps.
the first versions of windows were also snail slow.
3.11 was the best of the early versions.

and somewhere, i still have a single sided 8" floppy...

3.11 - aaargh my first computer industry job was tech support at an ISP and I hated trying to explain on the phone how to get their computer connected to the Internet.