Rand Paul: Offensive Moron

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is upset that the federal government has squelched his right to own a super-toilet, leaving him with less freedom than women, who are still allowed to have abortions. It's an unusual comparison, but it's meant to underline his opposition to the executive branch's involvement in encouraging energy efficiency.

In a Senate hearing, Paul laid in to Kathleen Hogan, deputy assistant energy secretary for efficiency, for imposing restrictions and fines meant to encourage people to use environmentally friendly appliances.

Read the rest of this incredible story here.

And the people of Kentucky are, of course, idiots for electing him. And having a Creation Museum. And so on.

Watch the one-termer in action:

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Sorry about him. I voted for the other guy.

It's probably not a winning messaging strategy to go around talking about how your toilets aren't able to handle the volume of your excrement.

Headline: Rand Paul Is Full of Shit, Literally and Figuratively

By RandsPlumber (not verified) on 10 Mar 2011 #permalink

Maybe if he stopped talking into his toilet, it would work on the first flush.

Rand's toilet problem is related to diet, not the toilet.

Clearly there is a flaw in the legislation. If Rand Paul is so full of such difficult to flush shit, then he should be able to get an enhanced flush toilet with a note from his doctor saying it is medically necessary, after he has completed a training program on how to properly use a normal toilet and it has been verified that a normal toilet is insufficient.

But if he wants a super toilet, then he really needs to meet a higher standard. He needs a note from a committee of doctors to verify that it is medically necessary. With a waiting period and with retesting to verify that he still needs a super toilet. During that waiting period he needs to watch videos of how to use toilets to ensure that they don't get clogged up and listen to testimony from plumbers on how toilets get clogged up and how to unclog them.

I hear that Joe the Plumber needs a gig. He could do the explaining.

Damn straight! I want my leaded gasoline!

By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 10 Mar 2011 #permalink

Using his logic, how can he be against a woman's right to choose and how could he be against 2 people of the same sex wishing to get married?
He's a libertarian when it suits him, otherwise, he has no problem infringing upon other people's free choices.

By ron field (not verified) on 11 Mar 2011 #permalink

Rand Paul is an ass, and it is only appropriate that he get worked up over shit.

Hold on, I think I missed something. Is the no-super-toilets law intended to restrict men only?

By sidhe3141 (not verified) on 13 Mar 2011 #permalink

@ron field Rand Paul is a constitutionalist. Not a libertarian. He adheres strictly to the words of the founding fathers, many of which have libertarian aspects, but not all. Every statement in this video is justifiable, and correct if liberty is your priority.