Fluoride and Water

From the Roman aqueducts to the latest research on what happens when you turn the tap, it's an hour on water. Dr. William James joins us for a lesson on the history and technology of municipal water systems. And we'll talk to University of Toronto researcher Dr. Marc Grynpas about the science and safety of water fluoridation.

TONIGHT Last Night! on Skeptically Speaking.

I wrote this notice two days ago but forgot to hit "Publish" .... well, anywah, the pod cast for Skeptically Speaking generally comes out late Sunday, so tune in then if you did not catch the show live.

Also, Sunday Morning (podcast usually out by the end of the day Sunday as well) Minnesota Atheist Talk Radio will have Jennifer McCreight.

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Thanks for the post, it's understandable that you didn't post it as planned, you had the earthquake to deal with. I found your post in Google alerts, btw.

Greetings from the Human Filter experiment in Dover, New Hampshire. (Fluorosilicic Acid)
Pat, at Surviving Fluoride

The board of the Santa Clara Valley Water District (in California) held a public meeting March 22nd on water fluoridation. This summer they are scheduled to vote on whether or not to fluoridate the water supply. The board and their staff were given 20 copies of a 75-minute cd of doctors explaining the history, origin, and health hazards of this toxic waste. Doctors included John Lee, John Yiamouyannis, and Phyllis Mullenix. The audio is posted at the website www.MaeBrussell.com. Just go to the bottom of the homepage.

If people were to burn a cd of that audio and spread it around (especially to churches, schools, health food stores and health clubs) you might find it very effective in waking up the public in your area. Good luck.

What did the CD say? (briefly) Did it suggest that they do or do not fluoridate the water?

Hello Greg, San Jose is the largest city in the USA that doesn't, yet, fluoridate the water. The meeting was held for the public to give their opinion. It's been my experience that most people don't read studies, articles, books, and other literature on the subject, especially when both sides are throwing mountains of it at them. However, I've found that most people will pop in a cd and give a listen if you ask them to. I have yet to come across anybody who listened to it who wasn't instantly convinced that dumping this toxic waste into food, water, and toothpaste needs to be stopped. Go to MaeBrussell.com and listen to Lee, Yiamouyannis, Mullenix, and Greggains. You will know what I'm talking about.