What is the local time in Tokyo, Japan?

I keep wanting to know this so I put it here:

<!-Local Time Clock widget - HTML code - localtimes.info -->

<!-end of code-->

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Yah, but what day is it? That's tomorrow, isn't it?

By Benton Jackson (not verified) on 13 Mar 2011 #permalink

Wow, that gave me a start. The widgit stopped for about two seconds, made me consider that they might be having some real fancy reactor problems. Fancy, like enough to warp time. LOL.

Undoubtedly a momentary glitch in my dial-up connection but one never really knows. Huge earthquakes, tsunamis, massive blizzards, reactors going nuts, Republicans running things, cats lying down with dogs ... getting closer to 'end of days' stuff here.

I'll be damned. The website gave an offset that looked like it was an hour off, by my local time. I checked into it further and realized that Daylight Saving Time had snuck up on me when I wasn't looking!

Now I've got to change all the clocks in the house that don't switch automatically.

By Riman Butterbur (not verified) on 13 Mar 2011 #permalink

Oh well looky that. Nice widget!

By Benton Jackson (not verified) on 13 Mar 2011 #permalink

Nice! Japan is 14 hours ahead of Minnesota...easy to remember and calculate. Thanks, Greg

I can't imagine how terrifying nights must be in Japan right now. Days have to be scary and depressing, but nights must be absolutely terrifying.

Just saw on the news: Gilbert Gottfried (voice of the AFLAC duck) has been fired because of snarky Tweets about tragedy in Japan. Don't know what he said, but apparently offensive enough that they no longer want him representing their company.