Ana's Feed starting just after midnight 24 March:
"...estimates that 57,000 pounds of salt have accumulated in Reactor No. 1 and 99,000 pounds apiece in Reactors No. 2 and 3, which are larger." (Editor's note: This is what I had independently calculated, so it looks right to me)
Ban Ki-moon and IAEA and various governments are going to talk about ways to keep nuclear power safe. (NHK broadcast)
NHK is quoting the recent US poll that shows a decline in public opinion about nuclear power, adding "this means the American people are seriously responding to this situation in Japan." (NHK)
Work at reactor no.3 has been suspended due to injury - 2 workers were exposed to ~170mSv, developed skin lesions on their feet and have been sent to hospital. (NHK)
The Tokyo metropolitan government is distributing mineral water to families with infants. (NHK)
"The challenges of radiological contamination have made this operation particularly difficult. It has required us to constantly watch the direction of the wind, to be mindful of where our forces are in relation to the Fukushima power plant. It has required us to monitor and decontaminate our aircraft, ships and even our people..."
Links to news stories and updates:
People may be urged to move further from nuclear plant for convenience
New Problems at Japanese Plant Subdue Optimism
Steam rising from 4 reactors at Fukushima plant…Nuke disaster hinders searches for missing in Fukushima
In All the Hubbub about the Nuclear Plants we forgot that Oil Refinery Fires are Just as Bad!
Infant radiation dose over 30 km from plant may be over 100 millisieverts
Fears rise as pool boils at Japan nuclear plant
Japan iodine release lower than Chernobyl: expert
2 nuclear plant workers hospitalized
Japan disaster: over 26,000 dead or missing
Pressure rises inside No.1 reactor container
Radioactive iodine found in Kawaguchi
Tokyo lifts advice against tap water restrictions
Fukushima Cooling Circuits May Be Damaged, France's ASN Says
What is Happening in the Reactor Cores of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station?
Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log
Japanese authorities today announced a number of developments at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, where reactor cooling systems were disabled following the massive earthquake and tsunami on 11 March.
At Units 1, 2, 3, and 4, workers have advanced the restoration of off-site electricity, and the lights are working in Unit 3's main control room.
Black smoke was seen emerging from the Unit 3 reactor building, spurring the temporary evacuation of workers from Units 3 and 4. The emission of smoke has now decreased significantly.
Crews continued today to use a concrete pump truck to deliver high volumes of water into the Unit 4 spent fuel pool, where there are concerns of inadequate water coverage over the fuel assemblies.
At Units 5 and 6, workers have successfully restored off-site power to the reactor, which had previously reached a safe, cold shutdown status.
For more information and essays about the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Reactor problems in Japan CLICK HERE.
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I've been monitoring my location (Milwaukee, WI) since the tsunami tragedy. I've seen no significant flucuation in normal background radiation, until today (3/29/11). I've been getting consistent readings from .07 to .25 mr/hr all day. Miniscule, yet appreciable changes.
Bob, what are you using to detect the radiation/radioisotopes? What are you actually detecting?
And, while we're on the subject, do you happen to have a home made seismograph too? Because that would be ubercool.