Japan quake, tsunami, nuke news 09

Ana's Feed starting at about 2PM Thursday 24 March:

Finally found some info on that simulation mentioned earlier: "...the model showed that areas where cumulative exposure over 12 days reached 100 millisieverts--the government's maximum for infants--extended beyond the evacuation zone. A map based on data from the center showed areas that received a cumulative 100 millisieverts extended as far as about 40 kilometers northeast and south from the plant."

Radiation 10,000 times normal level in water where nuke plant workers irradiated -kyodo news

  • 1.3 million Bq of iodine 131. (NHK)
  • Workers stood in 15cm of water - TEPCO says the day before, there were no puddles. (NHK)
  • Safety agency has instructed TEPCO to revise and review their safety measures. (NHK)

There is very little being reported from Daiichi so far today, but here's what I've gleaned :

  • Lights are on in control room no.1. Temps. in the reactor reached 400C degrees. To cool, seawater was added and temp. dropped to 243C, but this increased pressure - the delicate dance of regulating temp. and pressure continues. (NHK)
  • High levels of radiation in reactor no.2 are hampering work efforts. (NHK)
  • Preparations are still underway to test the pump at reactor no.3. (NHK)
  • No word on reactor no.4.
  • White steam is seen rising from reactors 1-4. (NHK)

Cesium 137 was detected in mustard spinach in a field near Tokyo - 890Bq/kg (limit is 500). It was grown in a research plot and is not intended for consumption. (NHK)

Reactor vessel of Fukushima plant No. 3 unit may have been damaged: Gov't panel -kyodo news ... "The containment vessel is working to a certain degree" in reactor no.3, but it is leaking. -safety agency

Iodine 131 in water at 18 water purification plants exceeds the limit for infants. (NHK)

Edano: The government encourages those living in the 20-30km radius around the plant to move for easier living. (NHK)

  • This statement was followed by something that sounded like there might be a future mandatory evac. order for this area, and perhaps beyond.
  • "[1:15 a.m. ET Friday, 2:15 p.m. Friday in Tokyo] A Japanese official described the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant crisis as a "difficult" situation, and said the government will provide transportation to those seeking to evacuate with...in 30 kilometers. ... Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said authorities will provide transportation in response to growing demand among those living between 20-to-30 kilometers hoping to get farther away from the stricken plant."(cnn live blog)

Police working to provide supplies to those in the evacuation zone have "suffered damages...to themselves." They have asked for a resupply of uniforms, and for any protective equipment. (NHK)

South Korean water bottlers are diverting product from the domestic market, have amplified production, but still cannot meet Japanese demand. (NHK)

The 2 beta-burned workers have been transferred to the National Institute of Radiological Sciences. (NHK)

In which TEPCO confirms the presence of Zirconium 95 in seawater: http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/press/corp-com/release/betu11_e/images/110324…

"It seems that somehow the containment function could have been compromised somewhat." -safety agency briefing
Pressed by reporters on whether this is the case in all of the first 3, after a consult with men in the wings it is explained that given the reading of 500mSv in No.2 and also high readings in No.1, that similar things could be happening there, though the scale may be different.
Due to the spraying (necessary for avoiding total meltdown), water has accumulated in the basement-level turbine rooms (originally flooded by tsunami). Due to the containment leakages, this water cannot be worked in. On acknowledgement of this situation, a reporter asks "How will you proceed with the work?" The NISA spokesman says, "So far, we have not heard about how to proceed with the work."
The 3rd contaminated worker, "with an abundance of caution," has also been sent to hospital.
In the press briefing, the NISA spokesman is very careful to make clear that there is no confirmation of leaks/cracks in the containment, but that even so, "when we look at the composition of the water" it seems to have come form the core (it is more likely to have come from the core than the spent fuel area). Half an hour later, kyodo news reports that there is: No data suggesting No. 3 reactor core cracked: nuke agency

(Ana's Feed is a collection of Analiese Miller's facebook status entries posted as she takes in the news live in Japan.)

Links to news stories and updates:

Radiation Is Beyond Zone, Report Says

Designs for Newest U.S. Nuclear Plants Aim to Balance Safety and Costs

Fukushima scaremongers becoming increasingly desperate: Dead horse long ago flogged down to a mere red stain

The situation at the quake- and tsunami-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear powerplant in Japan was brought under control days ago.

Marines help clear out Sendai Airport after tsunami

U.S. forces to supply water to be pumped into Fukushima nuke plant

Red Cross warning over Japan tsunami donation scam

FACTBOX-Japan disaster in figures

Radiation fears mount again in Japan after plant workers injured

Japan quake damage seen hitting silicon wafer supply

Japan's lessons learned and lost

Japan nuclear crisis: Massive radiation exposure to Fukushima workers raises fresh fears for reactor safety

List of food import bans expands for radiation-hit Japan

Situation At Japan's Nuclear Plant Remains Grave

Japan Death Toll Passes 10K

For more information and essays about the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Reactor problems in Japan CLICK HERE.

Here is the Fukushima Search Engine:



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Basically, confirmed partial meltdown in Reactor 3, possible (but not confirmed) partial meltdown in #1, and in all cases no signs of the outer containment structure of the cores being breached (which will be even worse news, but still nothing anywhere near the full core meltdown of Chernobyl). That really sucks because the reactors still have to be stabilized before the containment/abandonment operations can begin - which of course means more exposure of workers on site and continued release of a variety of radioisotopes to the environment.

For people not on site, precautions are highly recommended (or put differently, not taking precautions is verging on foolish) but folks should remain calm and not be spooked; maximum levels for public exposure are deliberately set very low and it takes much higher doses to cause a measurable change in various cancer rates. I'm not saying this isn't nasty shit, just that the news sells better if people are left in fear. Personally I prefer numbers to give people an idea of what the various risks are; unfortunately the news writers and/or editors don't seem interested in that at all.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 25 Mar 2011 #permalink

Madscientist: "Personally I prefer numbers to give people an idea of what the various risks are; unfortunately the news writers and/or editors don't seem interested in that at all."

My perception is the opposite-- the media have been bending over (in both senses) to convey the message that things have not yet reached the point where great concern, beyond the immediate vicinity, is warranted.

Your own comments echo this narrative. I think, of the competing narratives, the notion that harm has been largely contained is the one that is more misleading. The general public has been exposed in levels that deaths, severe illnesses, and birth defects will occur. To suggest otherwise is to strain credulity at this point.

By phillydoug (not verified) on 25 Mar 2011 #permalink