Congressperson Joseph Crowley Struck Speechless!!!!

Best little YouTube video you'll see all day, maybe all week:

Hat Tip: Kate Monson and Yatesh Singh

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I had trouble getting through that just because he apparently has the "lick fingers before turning pages" habit which is really annoying and sort of disgusting. If you have to do that, then you shouldn't be the one making a video which is nearly silent.

This is a problem with democrats, they follow the republican script. "100 days of GOP rule" if I recall correctly, the GOP controls the House of Representatives; the Dems control the Senate and the Executive branch. I think the definition of "rule" needs to be looked at more closely.

As much as I despise the GOP agenda/ideology, at they get shit done. Dems controlled all three for 2 years and seemed to spend most of their time asking the GOP for permission to function.

Dems controlled all three for 2 years and seemed to spend most of their time asking the GOP for permission to function.

On my list of most annoying things of the decade. could he have forgotten overturning Roe vs Wade?

"I think the definition of "rule" needs to be looked at more closely."

Unless he means rule within the house of representatives. Which he does.

Yes, the GOP seem to 'herd' better than Dems, but it still doesn't mean they aren't running us toward the 'cliff'.
Dems need to grow a backbone and stand together to stand up to them.

Man, that sure is a terrible waste of paper. I guess it's not one of those useless Big Charts that they sometimes use. Those are a total waste.

Juice, you are so right. Telling the truth in the halls of congress rarely comes to much.

Re: Waste of Paper.

I was wondering if video presentations on screens (generically called powerpoint slides) is not permitted on the Floor of the House of Representatives.