Summer Reading Suggestions: Science

Here is a short list of what you should read this summer in science and science related topics. Some are old, some are new. There is a lot missing from this list, I'm sure, but the summer is short here in Minnesota and we'll be busy with the corn, so there is not much time.

What am I missing?

I'm working on my Summer Reading Suggestions: Fiction list but I think I've only read one fiction book since last summer so this may be a short list. I may ask my facebook friends to come up with some suggestions that I'll compile. Feel free to join in on that.


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I recently enjoyed Supersense by Bruce M Hood

The Stuff of Thought by Steven Pinker.

By Ryan O'Donnell (not verified) on 23 May 2011 #permalink

An interesting list :) I was just wondering whether the Kaufman Field Guide to Advanced Birding is useful for non-North Americans (ie. Australians)? It sounds like it would be, but I just want to make sure :)

Jeremy, good question. I'm going to have to think about that. Many of the examples are oriented towards an American audience, but birds are birds.

On the other hand, you have a lot of strange shit in Australia. Maybe your birds aren't really birds!

What do we think of Jerry Coyne and "Why Evolution is True"?

I liked it, Ana; but then, I'm a regular at Jerry's website (not 'blog', ever!), and my background's in biology, so he was preaching to the choir.

My current read is Tetrapod Zoology, Book One. I've only been visiting Tet Zoo for a couple of years, so much of it's new to me.

By Pete Moulton (not verified) on 24 May 2011 #permalink

I think "Why Evolution is True" is an excellent add to this list, as is Genie Scott's book. (Even though I get the impression Jerry is not a fan of mine.) However I actually left the evolution books off the list because I like to put them on a late summer list as gifts to send to your local school board and life science teachers.

How about The Species Seekers by Richard Conniff? It's a wonderful overview of the naturalists and collectors who contributed to our modern understanding of the physical world.
The Ghost With Trembling Wings by Scott Weidensaul. It's old I know (2003) but still great essays.Perfect for picking up and putting down at the pool, beach, etc. and it's in paperback.

By Dave Clarke (not verified) on 24 May 2011 #permalink

I really enjoyed "Time, Love, Memory by Jonathan Weiner
It is about the early days of genetic research, particularly linking genes to behavior. It is very readable and if you are not up on genetics it is a helpful introduction to how they found out things.