Planets viewed from Earth as if they were at the distance of our moon

Interesting movie, but with one BAD mistake.

They have the Earth spinning, but THE WRONG WAY AROUND !
Folks, the Earth spins from west to east, which is why the sun rises in the east. Duh!

For some reason it terrifies me beyond reason. Like when the astronaut in 2001 Space Odessy sees into the opening dimension black hole sun.
Kinda like agoraphobia or getting stuck floating all alone in the middle of the ocean with nothing on the horizon to see and imagine the seafloor miles below.
It's like I intrinsically know that if something of the size and mass of Jupiter came as close as our moon's orbit the tidal forces would tear our planet apart. The closest Jupiter or Saturn moons are either rocks or frozen violent planets with planet crusts always in upheaval.

Jupiter would look pretty scary filling our sky with what is, let's face it, one big ongoing storm system -- which would probably look even more scary if it was closer to the Sun, and thus getting more energy from the Sun than it does now.

And we wouldn't have "eclipses" either -- we'd have whole days with no sunlight, whenever Earth was on the dark side of Jupiter. And at such times, we'd probably see lots of lightning all over the face of Jupiter.

And when Earth is over the day side of Jupiter, we'd pretty much have no actual "night" either.

And sunrises and sunsets would get both more complex and more spectacular, with the sunlight being filtered through two atmospheres.

Venus, Uranus, and Pluto all orbit like the planets in this video. (Sure, Pluto isn't a planet, whatever) All the others, as Eunoia pointed out above, rotate the other way. Nice catch! But wait...what if we renamed the video cameras rotationg around the Earth at 1800 MPH in an Earth retrogde motion Wait, does that work? (Hmm, I'll post it for the opportunity to be shown I am wrong.)

Anyway, Why is this so amazing? Don't get me wrong, I can't program the 'puter to do that and I am impressed you figured out how to do it, but I can do the math and make cardboard cutouts to show an impossible world. No really, I kept hoping that the gravitational attraction between the Earth and Jupiter to show us being consumed into the Red Spot.

By Brett j or (not verified) on 29 Sep 2011 #permalink

Great clip. Love it - but I'd really love tosee a complete version incl. all the planets (& yes Istillcount Pluto, Eris, Ceres, etc .. in that.)

They could have used Venus instead of Earth and how could they have left out Saturn & its rings?!?

I'm really keen to see how Haumea (the oval ice dwarf) would look in our skies too. Of course at our distance it would probably become a comet and fizz and dissipate away but still .. ;-)

D'oh! Sorry about the typos / spacing errors there. :-(

Make that :

I'd really love to see a complete version incl. all the planets (&, yes, I still count Pluto, Eris, Ceres, etc .. in that.)

Dwarf planets are planets too!

(Just as dwarf stars like our Sun and 90% of all stars are still stars despite being dwarfs. Actually make that 99% given only about 1% of all stars are giants and supergiants with 90 % of stars being main-sequence "dwarfs" and another 10% being white dwarfs.)

sorry, but that is irrelevant. Earth is shown with north at the top and spinning the wrong way around regardless of which direction one looks from. Think about it.

Cheers, Eunoia