Nobel Peace Prize: Sirleaf, Gbowee, Karman

Three women who have worked for peace and women's rights in Liberia and Yemen have been awarded the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, it was just announced at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo.

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Liberian peace activist Leymah Roberta Gbowee and Yemeni protest leader Tawakkul Karman are being honored.


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It hardly seems fair that three women winning the peace prize should get no comments, while three men winning prizes for real physical science got four. (I won't mention the chemistry thread since it's probably partly my fault it's up to 67 and counting.)

So here's a comment: congratulations Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee, and Tawakkul Karman. And for those wanting more detail, this report from Bloomberg (via Business Week) seems to have the most of what Google brought up for me.

Good point, but I think this can be explained. I barely wrote anything .... just a quick cut and paste to acknowledge the event. This is because it is Friday, and Friday, and friday is not a blogging or writing day for me (at least not until evening).

So, there wasn't much to comment on. Maybe I will write something controversial and thought provoking later.