I normally would not "out" a pseudonymous blogger, but right now I'm making an exception

Below the fold, because this is NOT going to be pretty.

First, a video:

OK, now established what we are talking about here, let's get down to business,

The blogger named WhySharksMatter is in the running to receive a fairly large sum of money, which he has promised to give to the sharks so that they do not attack any more airplanes. He will also use the money to fund his dissertation research on the relationship between sharks and coral reefs. And, he will use some of the money to support his lab's citizen science project which has taken over 1,000 high school students and teachers into the field to learn about sharks and participate in an active research program. He will also use some of the money to adopt a satellite tagged shark and have a contest for his readers to name it.

Now, here's the big reveal. The Pseudonymous blogger known as WhySharksMatter's real name is David Shiffman.

There, I said it.

Now that you know his real name, you can go HERE and VOTE FOR HIM to win this scholarship. You can vote every day until November 30th.


Here's is secret blog.

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Voting in 3â¦2â¦1â¦

By MadSciKat =^..^= (not verified) on 27 Nov 2011 #permalink