2011 LinuxQuestions.org Members Choice Award Winners

The following is a subset of the LinuxQuestionsDotOrg's Members' Choice Awards:

Desktop Distribution of the Year - Ubuntu (21.83%)
Server Distribution of the Year - Debian (31.15%)
Mobile Distribution of the Year - Android (69.43%)
Database of the Year - MySQL (49.54%)
NoSQL Database of the Year - Cassandra and MongoDB (26.23% each) <- first MCA TIE
Office Suite of the Year - LibreOffice (81.01%)
Browser of the Year - Firefox (56.60%)
Desktop Environment of the Year - KDE (33.01%)
Window Manager of the Year - Openbox (15.90%)

... some stuff I don't care about ...

Audio Authoring Application of the Year - Audacity (77.46%)
Video Media Player Application of the Year - VLC (60.92%)
Video Authoring Application of the Year - FFmpeg (34.32%)
Graphics Application of the Year - GIMP (72.08%)

... some stuff I don't care about ...

Text Editor of the Year - vim (31.21%)
File Manager of the Year - Dolphin (24.63%)
Open Source Game of the Year - Battle for Wesnoth (18.70%)
Programming Language of the Year - Python (29.48%)
Revision Control System of the Year - git (58.73%)
Backup Application of the Year - rsync (37.35%)
Open Source CMS/Blogging Platform of the Year - WordPress (48.62%)
Configuration Management Tool of the Year - Puppet (54.55%)
Open Source Web Framework of the Year - Django (32.38%)
Media Center of the Year - XBMC (47.76%)


The detailed breakdown for each category is HERE.


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