Oklahoma antiscience bill dies

Oklahoma's House Bill 1551, one of two bills attacking the teaching of evolution and of climate change active in the Oklahoma legislature during 2012, is now in effect dead, according to Oklahomans for Excellence in Science Education. Originally introduced in 2011, HB 1551 was rejected by the House Common Education Committee in that year, but revived and passed by the committee in 2012, and then passed by the House of Representatives on a 56-12 vote on March 15, 2012, and sent to the Senate Education Committee, where it died. April 2, 2012, was the last meeting of the Senate Education Committee in the present legislative session, and April 5, 2012, is the deadline for single-assigned house bills (such as HB 1551) to be reported from their senate committees.

Details at NCSE

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I don't see anything wrong with encouraging kids to think harder about and try to prove for/against evolution and other scientific theories. The entire point of science is to explain the world through observations and logic.

By James Lanza (not verified) on 02 Apr 2012 #permalink

James? Seriously? Using a discussion of the ruination of our system of science education to spam us on coupons?