I want my Gordie, ... er ... Google Glasses!

Not really. Do people who design social networking systems really think we LIKE push notifications???????? Seriously?

By the way, I'm working at a place these days that seems to produce a correct and incorrect (and inexplicably so) result on Google Maps at about a 50-50 ratio. This means that when I tell people to meet me there I have to work twice as hard, and even with my additional efforts, a certain percentage show up late anyway. A system like that depicted in the video has to be 99.999% perfect, and it has to never change unexpectedly once it is in place. That is not how modern social networking or other information processes have evolved. As we speak my iMac is changing how the menus work on a program I use daily and will now have to relearn.

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Go visit; its at climatedialogue.org. And Bart is involved, so it is at least promising. On the other hand the About Page says it exists because the Dutch Parliament... asked the government ‘to also involve climate skeptics in future studies on climate change’. That's pol-speak, therefore stupid…

What is a "window seven" .... is that a window with extra insulation in it or something?

It's a thing you use so you can have the rug pulled out from under you by Windows 8.

Ha! I saw an article on Project Glass on the BBC Technology page. I sent the following letter to the editor of Mother Jones.


Many have decried the Balkanization of the punditry of the internet: that fracturing into tightly connected users who only read those writers who already agree with them. 

A solution is at hand! Or rather, at eye.

I see on the Technology section of the BBC that Google has released some details  of Project Glass, its research into augmented reality glasses, where information can be displayed on either lens of the eyewear.

Perfect! Gven the increasing partisanship of American politics, why not politically polarized glasses? Right and left viewpoints delivered directly to the politically correct eye, our flow of endless information feeding the matching  vitreos body politic!  

There are probably those wo would not appreciate being exposed to opposing views.  A simple incision to the corpus callosum (available for purchasers at a discount from Google Docs) would guarantee that both halves of  the  brain recieve only one data stream. Think of the shouting match Rush Limbaugh could have with himself!

That would give new meaning to Polariods, don't ya think?"

By Martin Richard (not verified) on 05 Apr 2012 #permalink

Get those right after you get those chips in your arm so you can be scanned as you shop and not bother paying in the checkout line. I think this is another ploy by the powerful Luddite lobby to make the rest of us turn away from technology. They're in it with (hat tip to Randy Milholland) Big Tinfoil.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 06 Apr 2012 #permalink

"and it has to never change unexpectedly once it is in place"

Why is this a condition? It makes no sense, from a technological perspective at least.

To simplify, 'scienceblogs.com' has not always been on the same server and same IP for its entire existence, yet scienceblogs.com will ALWAYS point to whichever server contains the IP that responds to scienceblogs.com. DNS is the architecture that allows this to happen invisibly. So invisibly in fact, that you seem to not be aware it was going on.

There is no reason why a system like this can not be designed for physical locations within a virtual environment.

By ItPutsTheLotio… (not verified) on 08 Apr 2012 #permalink

Do people who design social networking systems really think we LIKE push notifications?

No, but they know that advertisers get all hot and sticky at the very mention of the idea. They also know who's got the money.