Criminal Charges Filed in BP Oil Spill (UPDATED)

Yes, it was a crime; it was a crime against nature and against the law of the land, and now the first criminal charges are being filed, according to an exclusive report at NPR.

"The first criminal charges in connection with the BP oil spill have been filed against a former BP engineer named Kurt Mix," NPR's Carrie Johnson reports exclusively.

Carrie just told our Newscast unit that Mix has been charged with obstruction of justice for allegedly deleting text messages after the spill. The texts were related to the amount of oil gushing into the Gulf. Mix will make his first appearence in court today.

Go read about it here.

Update from the Washington Post:

Justice Dept. makes 1st arrest in BP oil spill; ex-engineer accused of obstruction of justice

... Kurt Mix, of Katy, Texas, was arrested on two counts of obstruction of justice.

The Justice Department says the 50-year-old Mix is accused of deleting a string of 200 text messages with a BP supervisor in October 2010 that involved internal BP information about how efforts to cap the well were failing.

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But no charges for killing the workers and polluting the gulf?

Hopefully they can parlay this into getting more dirt and arresting responsible parties, rather than dumping everything on this one guy or a couple more. Next stop Halliburton, please.

"Justice Dept. makes 1st arrest in BP oil spill; ex-engineer accused of obstruction of justice"

Though the justice department's role in obstructing justice (as in keeping reporting of this incident so that justice could be STARTED to be done) won't be prosecuted.

He didn't perevert the course of justice, he pereverted the course of public relations. But hey the DHS need a head on a pike at the front of their parade.

The US public needs to pull it's head out of it's arse to have any hope of preventing a reoccurence. The Gulf spill was an accident, the blame rests with society as a whole, not some obscure engineer under enormous pressure to figure out how much oil was comming out of the hole AFTER the event.