Debbie Goddard

Debbie Goddard. Photo from CFI website.

One of my favorite people is Debbie Goddard, and she was in town for the last few days for SkepchickCON. (That is where we originally met, a few years back.) We managed to have a few longish conversations about the history and current state of skepticism and secularism. Debbie has been involved in these movements for longer than most people I know well, although she is very young. (She started early.) Also, we share something in our respective pasts that that was kind of fun to talk about which I will not bore you with here.

Anyway, while Debbie was in town she did an interview with Minnesota Atheists which I believe was conducted by Stephanie Zvan: African Americans for Humanism, Debbie Goddard on Atheists Talk #175, Sunday, July 8th, 2012

I'm hoping that next year we can talk about the history of the movement and stuff, as she has an interesting perspective.

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