Climategate investigation ends

Climate gate involved the criminal theft of computer based data from University of East Anglia (UEA) researchers by global warming deniers. According to Julian Gregory ,Detective chief superintendent, "the data breach was the result of a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated attack" and that there was no evidence to suggest that anyone working at or associated with UEA was involved in the crime." However, the criminal perpetrator, we assume a member of the global warming denialist community, was not discovered and the statute of limitations for this particular criminal act runs out in November. Thus, the investigation closed Wednesday.

Leo Hickman has the full story here.

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Somebody want to alert my climate-change-denying step-father this?

And thanks for posting this Greg, because I will send him the link and await his liberal-bias-caused-nothing-to-be-found response to this. >.<

By Kyle Lacy (not verified) on 20 Jul 2012 #permalink

It was probably an only-slightly-rogue operation within Newscorp.