Keep Rebecca Watson on SGU

Some time ago, a group of Internet Yahoos who shall not be named (the usual misogynist freaks who spend all their time harassing women who won't shut up) started a petition to get Rebecca Watson tossed off her podcast "The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe." As I understand it, no one took that petition seriously, but as a show of support for Rebecca, on behalf of all of us, Haley Stevens started up a petition to keep Rebecca on the show. And now it is time for you to go and sign the petition. If there are not 1000 signatures on this petition soon the Internet Yahoos will win. Go now and sign the petition.

Why are you still reading this post, by now you should have clicked through to the petition?!? Go.

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At present the voting is:

For Rebecca: 628
Against: 179

Only about 2 of against seem genuine. So I guess she wins even if she doesn't get up to 1000

By Bernard Hurley (not verified) on 04 Sep 2012 #permalink

But, I desperately crave the approval of men who would harass and threaten me if I dared to express an opinion that opposed their own. How can I possibly support a woman who had the audacity to casually mention in passing that she didn't like something one man did? She's a scourge to rational thinking. WARGARBLE!!!!!