Romney on Health Care

First, if you don't have health insurance, that's OK. Just wait until you are catastrophically ill and then they'll pick you up in an ambulance and bring you to an emergency room. He does not discuss what happens later when they come to collect the payments. Also, according to Romney, an Obamacare like plan was a great way to manage health insurance for Massachusetts at the time he was governor, but this does not apply to other people.

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Comparing Romney to Bill Clinton? That is what I would call absurd.

Oh, just in case everyone missed it, Conservapedia is really taking a wack at evolution today.

By Kevin Sanders (not verified) on 24 Sep 2012 #permalink

The conservative healthcare plan: be rich or be so poor that there's no way to ever get the money you owe for medical bills.

The liberal healthcare plan. Everyone go screw each other get a disease and we'll make those evil white rich people pay for it. Then when they get old, we will tell them it costs more for their medication than they are worth and we let them die. AKA, death panels and rationaing. Just ask the UK.

By Jim Peacock (not verified) on 25 Sep 2012 #permalink

I think Jim is right. Let everyone do what they want and when they get hurt or catch some sex disease from their immoral fornication practices, force the rich white people to give up all their stuff so the perverts can get a free ride. Remember! No judging!

You summed it up good Jim.

By Militant Saxon (not verified) on 25 Sep 2012 #permalink


Alternatively, if Michael Moore gets sick we could deport him to France, or England, or Canada, or Australia, or....... just about anywhere really. They all have better health care systems than the United States.

Ooh, so you reject affordable healthcare because of sex. People might have sex and then rich individuals will have to pay. Well, I hate to break it to you but people have sex regardless of the availability of affordable and accessible healthcare and the costs associated with giving birth far exceed the cost of sex education and contraception. That's not even taking into account the cost of insuring any children that result from the unwanted pregnancy.

But affordable healthcare covers so much more than just fornication (something that many of your esteemed right wingers have engaged in considering their marital track records) it covers preventative care, treatment cancer, vaccines, and much more.

Preventative care keeps the cost of emergency visits down because more illness are treated, more affordably, before they become expensive emergencies. When someone doesn't have the money for preventative care, they definitely don't have the money for emergency care and do you know who foots the bill? We taxpayers do. So instead of us sharing the cost of emergency care for illnesses and pregnancies that could have been prevented, we could share the cost of preventative care and also make a healthier society where the number one reason middle class families go into bankruptcy ISN'T medical bills.

@ Marnie

Why don't you go sit in the corner and gnaw on your government cheese and let us taxpayers make the important decisions! It's only fair, those who pay the most taxes gets the most say so.

For the record, I work a full time job, a part time job and run a side business. I am in a monogamous straight marriage with a man I've been with for 12 years. He served in the US Navy. One of my ancestors, Josiah Bartlet, signed the declaration of independence. As a kid, I attended 4-H camp most summers, was a girl scout, have worked since high school, pay taxes every year, am old enough to have started voting during the Clinton years and will continue to vote to fight for equality and a better quality of life for all americans. Not that any of this matters, but since you seem to be hugely mistaken about who I am, I thought I'd clarify.

I consider it patriotic to want better for America and Americans, regardless of their health, color, tax bracket, religion or any other aspect of who they are. I care about people who don't have the same privileges I have had. I don't love paying taxes but I appreciate the value they bring to my community and the people in it and I consider it patriotic to be a part of bettering my society.

But, you know, if the best you can do is disparage me, instead of my arguments, then I don't really need to worry. It can only mean that deep in your heart, you know you cannot defend your views so you'll attack me instead. As a liberal, I care more about your quality of life, your rights and your freedoms than you care about mine. You all seem to hype so-called 'Christian Values" and yet, there's a lot of casting of stones, and unkindness to your neighbors and very little charity, all things that seem to fly in the face of what Christianity claims to extoll.

um, Ed - there is/was a thriving bariatric surgery program in Sweden where their main clientele was US citizens seeking a cheaper alternative for the same outcome

By Dieter Schwing (not verified) on 28 Sep 2012 #permalink