Easton Glacier, Washington

It is, as they say, melting. There are almost no mountain glaciers in the world that are advancing. In just a few years there will very few mountain glaciers.

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This is true. Glaciers are melting. However, they will be back one day. Ancient maps show antarctica free of ice and snow and with plentiful vegetation. The earth does have natural climate cyles. This event we are witnessing is one f those natural cycles. It is rather unfortunate that some in the scientific and political community have exploited this fact for political and financial gain.

By Fred Hidgens (not verified) on 01 Oct 2012 #permalink

No, the science is very clear. A preponderance of evidence clearly shows that these glaciers are melting because of anthropogenic global warming.

Now, as to those ancient maps of antarctica that show it being free of ice and snow with plentiful vegetation, where did you hallucinate...er...."see" those?

Fred's talking about those maps from about 160 million years ago, still available, I believe, from the Republican National Committee and Koch Industries.

By Cabe Silverhame (not verified) on 01 Oct 2012 #permalink

Antarctica was not always in the southern polar regions; continental drift pushed it there from farther north. So if you go back far enough in time--100 million years or so--you can expect vegetation in Antarctica. That is not a disproof of global warming, unless you are also a denier of plate tectonics.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 02 Oct 2012 #permalink

Antarctic glaciers first started growing 34 million years ago. Any "maps" of icefree Antarctica would be illustrations of reconstructed geologic history (or maybe alien artifacts).

By Omega Centauri (not verified) on 02 Oct 2012 #permalink

I suppose no one on here has ever heard of a device used for discobvering said ancient maps and further info. The device is actually quite nice, relatively inexpensive, and quite handy in these little debates. It was invented no too long in the past. It's called Google. Feel free to use it at any point in time. Thank you for your cooperation aldies and gentlemen.

Eric is actually quite right in a certain regard. At one time all land masses we see today were one large land mass. Now science textbooks in grade school call this land mass Pangea. I have no idea what the people called it before the Flood of Noah's day that broke up the land masses into what we see today.

Speaking for climate change, there wa sa massive global ice age not far behind the global flood of Noah's time. The naimals that didn;t drown were survived on the Ark. The ones that reproduced were either later down the line hunted into extinction or froze during this ice age.

Back then hunting dragons (dinosaurs) for sport was not uncommon. Even Babylon had one of these dragons (dinosaurs) at the time that the prophet Daniel was enslaved and led out of Israel and into babylon (Iraq). Even the Bible mentions leviathan and Behemoth and mentioned nebuchanezzar's dragon which he kept locked away.

www.educationnews.org/.../ancient-map-disproves-global-warming.html is one link that I can give you, but you probably do not believe it. However, you are free to judge, mock and ridicule. I can handle it as long as I know that you cannot disprove me.

By Fred Hidgens (not verified) on 02 Oct 2012 #permalink

he's referring to this map: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/mom/oronteus.html

apparently it's conclusive, unarguable proof because it doesn't show any ice on Antarctica. the fact that its author never went anywhere near Antarctica, and was also responsible for maps that showed Asia and North America as a single land-mass in no way sheds doubt upon this work's accuracy.

neither does the fact that the Antarctic ice sheet is demonstrably more than 500 years old.

"I suppose no one on here has ever heard of a device used for discobvering said ancient maps and further info. The device is actually quite nice, relatively inexpensive, and quite handy in these little debates. It was invented no too long in the past. It’s called Google."

A PhD from Google University!
You don't even have to send them the $29.95.