Science denial: a guide for scientists

Scientist could probably do a better job at understanding, and addressing, science denial. I know this is true. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard a scientist say something like "All you have to do is, bla bla bla" or "What I do is bla bla bla" in relation to science denialists, or addressing this issue in classrooms, etc. I'd have dozens of nickels. Yet the problem of science denialism continues. It is possible that we don't know what we are doing.

Joshua Rosenau knows something about science denialism, as a scientist, blogger, and staff member at the National Center for Science Education. And, he's written a paper in Trends in Microbiology on this very topic. From the summary:

Evolution, climate change, and vaccination: in these cases and more, scientists, policymakers, and educators are confronted by organized campaigns to spread doubt, denial, and rejection of the scientific community's consensus on central scientific principles. To overcome these threats, scientists not only need to spread scientific knowledge, but must also address the social drivers of science denial.

Sounds interesting. Want to read it? You can. Just click here for the PDF!

You might also want to check out this recent post by Josh about the current state of climate science vis-a-vis policy in Washington.

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I agree heartily about his approaches to creationism and the anti-vaxxers, but has anyone ever heard of a libertarian with a real plan for addressing climate change? I've been looking for sme time, with zero results.

Joshua Rosenau a Libertarian? Doubtful.

Well the free market doesn't place much value on dying a horrible and painful death. So that won't happen. It's just that simple.

By Drivebyposter (not verified) on 24 Nov 2012 #permalink