Who Are the Commitee Chairs in The New GOP House

Apparently a bunch of white guys.

And, now that I have your attention: I apologize if your comment was in "moderation" for a long time. The Scienceblogs backend stopped sending me notices when something was being held in moderation, so I did not see a build up of moderated posts happening. They should be free now.

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(Now that I look at the title, that sounds like an incredibly tepid harness-team command. "On, Moderation! Forward, with prudent speed!" I could clear that up by adding "Comment" in the middle, but I kind of like the image...) Over at Boing Boing, Teresa Nielsen Hayden has posted a long explanation…
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Might as well go ahead and call them "chairmen"!

By Trebuchet (not verified) on 28 Nov 2012 #permalink