CO2 is plant food, right?

See Peter's original post here, which also covers the recent alarming finding by NASA regarding Eastern US forests. EG, " The warming climate this century has caused new stresses on trees, such as insect pest outbreaks and the introduction of new pathogens. Scientists consider both climate change and disease to be dominant driving forces in the health of forests in this region."

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yeah, force-feeding.

Are your trees fat? Lose their weight by pine beetle weight loss program now! With only 0 dollars you get the next extra generation beetles, if you order now! In fact this weight loss program is so effective we can't even show the trees 'after'-image! So please order now before the stocks crash due rising prices of food! If you're happy with our pine beetle diet, you might want to explore our other products including but not limited to 'emerald ashborer diet', 'asian longhorn diet' and 'dutch elm borer diet! So order now and see how your trees get thinner by the minute!

By sony on mau (not verified) on 26 Feb 2013 #permalink

26pt Bold Arial Black: "CO2 IS PLANT FOODZ!!1!1!!"

Fine print at the bottom, 8pt Italic French Cursive: " those circumstances where CO2 is the limiting factor to plant growth."

@toto: I hate the idea of calling CO2 food for plants because it's such a thermodynamic sink (and at first pass I consider food as a supply of energy), but I can't come up with a good reason not to call it food by any logical definition of the word.

Even non-limiting nutrients of our diet are food. Is there some other term we should be using?

The video does a good job showing that higher levels of CO2 are damaging, but it doesn't refute the idea of it being food for plants.

Another question: Is air a food for humans?

toto, the headline was sarcasm. You need to watch the video then it will all be clear.

Greg: Dude, I'm agreeing with you.

Please don't post propaganda videos by Peter Sinclair. He is a science propagandist who uses discredited facts, such as, "CO2 created the ice ages," to promote belief that consensus science is already proven. Besides, they're all annoying. You should take the time to research the facts yourself.

By James Cook (not verified) on 26 Feb 2013 #permalink

James: Sure! If I ever take up an interest in science, I might look into climate change and find out some facts! Good idea!

And I know, Peter and his videos are so annoying but I just can't look away. Know what I mean?